JAKARTA - Ivan Gunawan has become known to the public in the country as one of Indonesia's top fashion designers or fashion designers. He has also begun to penetrate into a presenter, which he is still doing today. Dozens of events on various television stations have been guided by him.

Igun, Ivan Gunawan's nickname, admitted that he had started to consider retiring from the entertainment world in the country. However, he wanted to do it slowly.

"If you retire, I think you should think about it when, but just take it slow. Because if I decide, 'OK, I quit television, there must be a feeling of longing right'," said Ivan Gunawan in Margo City, Depok recently.

The 41-year-old man is grateful that many television stations have given him various offers to date. However, recently he admitted that he had started to reduce the offer of television programs.

"So thank God, now TV still wants to accept me, it's still stripping. I actually prefer talent shows. In the past, a few years ago, I was still enthusiastic about making money, maybe 4 programs a day or 3 programs, now only 1 is enough," he said.

Rossa's ex-lover also expressed hope in his old age to be more involved in the fashion world. He felt he could be more creative with his works in this field.

"If you say old age is actually what I like, fashion. If that's where my creativity comes out, my work, I can interact with customers," he said.

"But it is undeniable that the world of television that raised me. People can know Ivan Gunawan because of TV too. So until today, thank God I was able to build a relationship with all the TVs," said Ivan Gunawan.

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