YOGYAKARTA The existence of a child immunization certificate is now very important. Every child will be asked for this certificate in administrative activities. Therefore, people know how to get a child immunization certificate.

In general, a child immunization certificate is administrative evidence that indicates that children have received immunization services which are a complete Government program. The legality of the immunization certificate is marked by the signature of at least the head of the puskesmas.

Children's immunization certificates are usually physical or electronic. In it will appear a description of the child's name, place/date of birth of the child, the name of the parent, address, and photo of the child. This certificate is issued by the Puskesmas or the Population and Civil Registry Sub-Department.

It should be noted that the immunization certificate is proof that children have received basic immunizations that must be given before the age of one year. The basic immunization is as follows.

Immunization of BCG is an immunization used to prevent tuberculosis or tuberculosis. This immunization is given to babies over the age of 3 months.

Immunization of DPT (difftheria, pertusis, and tetanus) is the prevention of disease in toddlers. These three diseases can cause death so that it needs to be done. DPT immunization is given to infants over 6 weeks old.

This immunization is given to babies to prevent polio. Polio immunizations are given by testing, given 4 times in different time spans, namely at the age of 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and 4 months for the prevention of depletion. Immunization is then perfected by injecting it once at the age of 4 months.

Measles immunization is given to a 9-month-old baby.

Immunization is given to prevent liver disease in children. Hepatitis B immunization is given to babies 12 hours after birth and then perfected when the baby is 6-18 months old.

Administratively, the benefits of child immunization certificates are quite diverse, namely as follows.

For parents who want to get a child immunization certificate, there are several conditions that must be met, namely as follows.

The cost of making a child immunization certificate is usually free. While the way to make an immunization certificate is that children must have done basic immunizations at either the Posyandu or the nearest Puskesmas. After getting immunization, the child will get a certificate that must be stored by the parents.

In some places the certificate is immediately finished, but there are also those who have to wait a while depending on the policy at each Puskesmas. The public can get information regarding immunization and certificates to health workers at the puskesmas.

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