JAKARTA - Rieke Diah Pitaloka is known as a political artist. Famous in the world of entertainment, Rieke has the support and trust to sit as the people's representative for three terms.

Not wanting to be careless, Rieke continues to be passionate about fighting for her vision and mission in the People's Representative Council (DPR). "When I entered the DPR, I already knew what to do. I don't enter the DPR and then say to study later. Study is at school, yes. As soon as I enter the DPR, it's a fight," she said when met by VOI at her residence in Depok, West Java.

Rieke's experience as a migrant worker ambassador before entering the DPR became a provision that complemented her popularity in entertainment, which earned her a lot of support. "So I took care of migrant workers and Indonesia was identified as a country that sends large enough migrant workers, a few times every month I advocate from the Middle East by containers and accompany them to Madura. It was incredibly terrible and I thought about what caused it," she recalled.

Realizing that Indonesia is a legal state, everything is regulated by law, so Rieke's intention in the DPR has strengthened. "It's not mere power. Because it's a state of law, the protection of citizens uses legal decisions called laws and regulations, and this law was made by the two institutions, DPR and the palace. I see that at that time, the regulations were more about placement than protection. The protection was behind, which is business. The state should not be in the business of placing migrants. Read the preamble of the Indonesian government's constitution," she stressed.

Rieke Diah Pitaloka (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Based on that thought, Rieke entered the DPR with the hope that she should be able to change the law on the protection of Indonesian workers. "Before entering the House of Representatives, I read everything related to our labor law, then changed our Indonesian immigrant convention, then entered the revision of the Law on Indonesian Migrant Workers. Thank God, the title describes the scheme of all the laws. Fighting for the title takes one period because there are many human trafficking syndicates under the guise of shipping abroad," she explained.

After actually taking a seat in the DPR, it turned out that Rieke was able to realize her dream which was useful for many people. Even though it was difficult, Rieke was satisfied because her struggle was not in vain. The achievement is a form of gratitude for the facilities used.

"Is it difficult? Yes, it must be difficult, there is no difficult struggle but if it's for something good, and if you have taken an oath of office, you have to be able to do it unless you work for an NGO. If you are a member of the DPR, you have to work because this is the responsibility of what you eat, which also helps raise our children, VVIP care, everywhere there is a protocol," she said.

Her success in politics was not in line with her household. In 2015, Rieke was shaken because she had to separate from her husband. Interestingly, it was the responsibility that made her rise quickly.

"I thought about how the budget control policy? Well, this is what motivated me. It turned out that it was principles like these that saved me when I was having household problems. I had to get up because I had a big responsibility. Fighting for many people was not always cheerful but always motivated me to make people happy even I am not happy myself," she explained.

Rieke Diah Pitaloka (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

When she was down, Rieke realized she couldn't work optimally. She must help herself so she can get back to work. "You won't be able to work if you're down, but you're also confused, so you can't keep acting as if the world has ended, proven until now, I've lived 8 years as a divorcee, still the same as I was before, so if there's a problem, it doesn't mean it's imprisoning us, let alone we're Indonesians," she explained.

Believing in Allah is the key to strengthening. "People saying a lot about religious spirituality. What if, simply because of something like that, we are left behind? If we believe in God, just be sure, if we keep going, there must be a solution. If you are tired, rest but don't stop," she insisted.

As a DPR member, her satisfaction is no longer in personal achievement. The biggest achievement, for Rieke, was when her struggle could be widely enjoyed by the Indonesian people.

"Right now there is social security so not only social workers but people who are not tied to work can apply for accident and death insurance. A work accident is covered, if it causes death, we get the insurance and our children are prepared for college. In the past, there wasn't any. In the future, I want to keep trying with some honorary colleagues until the ministerial decree comes out, but it's not that bad because there is a pension plan. It is possible everyone can have a pension plan, regardless of profession," she assured.

Why is the pension plan (JHT) that is submitted personally important at this time? Because, Rieke believes that civilization has shifted, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"There are professions where we never thought there would be jobs like that, but there are also jobs that have disappeared. Everything has shifted in the digital era and then technological developments that have wider opportunities. As long as we use it wisely, it becomes money," she said firmly.

She believes that the achievement has not been maximized, but in each period and position, the achievement is not considered an achievement but a responsibility.

"Indeed it is the responsibility to make budgets and laws. What happens next is that the people have paid me for what I do. There has to be! My first period of fighting for the Constitution of the National Organizing Body since then has been implemented by a new non-profit national insurance mechanism, health insurance for old age accidents for all the people, it used to be per region," she explained.

"By applying the national assurance, Papuans who are sick in Jakarta can use it, Jakartans in Kalimantan can use it, that is the unity of the Republic of Indonesia. Pensions are not only civil servants but apply to work ties and are obliged to provide four guarantees, otherwise, will be punished," she said.

Organizing Herself for a New Heart

Rieke Diah Pitaloka (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Looking tough and always cheerful, this woman who was born on January 8, 1974, is actually the same as other women. It's not always okay but she is trying to stay strong because there are obligations that must be fulfilled.

"How to prepare ourselves depends on the problem, being a woman, we can't always be confused. Moreover, having children and relying our status on other people. Because marriage can end not only because of infidelity but also death. When we are not ready for that to happen, and we have children, what should we do?" she said.

Before deciding to get married, Rieke had to be prepared for the risks associated with marriage, such as divorce. "If that happens, at least we're mentally prepared," she said.

Having been down during the divorce, Rieke tries to get up. She doesn't want to linger for a long time because there are many things that must be resolved.

"Just have the enthusiasm and try to fill your life with something important. Isn't it important? Sometimes there are mellow moments, but yes, you have to manage it, because being a woman politician is not easy. But being a woman politician means a blessing because not everyone is given this opportunity," she recalled.

Rieke Diah Pitaloka (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

"No matter how difficult the day is, it will definitely change and the next day there will definitely be something new again. Don't want to live a monotonous life. As a woman, it doesn't mean that we become stuck and dynamic, imprisoned with the stigma that women are only concerned with wells, kitchens, and mattresses," she continued.

Women, she continued, are also ordinary individuals who have the right to have aspirations, have the opportunity, and express their will to achieve what they want without feeling doubtful.

In social construction, women are often seen as not needing higher education. The stigma is attached so it is pointless to look at women in learning.

"Women just stay at home. Women don't need high education, otherwise, no one wants to love them. It's difficult, but in my opinion, that's something that has to be changed because if women have a better life, they are more established, I'm sure life can be better for all because women have a power called empathy, and have feelings, are multitalented," she said.

"Men usually focus on one thing, women and mothers can cook, and take care of children's homework, while there are vegetable vendors and so on. In politics, we really have to be multitalented as well, especially in the DPR where one commission has several partners, ministries, and institutions."

The mother of three children believes something will become a problem if it is considered a problem. "If we don't think it's a problem, it won't be a problem. But sometimes there is a problem, if you say there isn't, it's impossible, yes, it's called life, there is a long story, a journey that is quite bitter, traumatic, and so on. But I always thought life was short if we only want to live in our past trauma, in a bitter way, what a pity. It's better to use it to help people, motivate others, or yourself," she said.

"Especially when you have children, you can't be sad for long, I have to raise three children well for their time. It's not easy in such a tight time, how can there be quality time with the children and still feel that they haven't lost their super fussy mother," Rieke continued.

Rieke Diah Pitaloka (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Then did the divorce make it worse? "Yeah, let alone getting divorced when the kids were still young isn't easy to forget. Maybe it's only been a year or two that I can be more sure of myself. I'm okay. It must happen in life, not to be regretted. If it's at the beginning, it's called registration, if it's in the middle, it's called exam. So just relax, maybe it wasn't relaxed at that time," she explained while joking.

Apparently, Rieke was so stressed that she couldn't work for almost 2 months when a household storm came. "Until I had to leave the house for a while I ran away for a month. Because I was confused, my children were still small and I was a politician who had just lost my extraordinary father in my life," she recalls.

However, her consciousness soon returned. "Maybe if there is a problem, that is the answer from Allah. We often pray, "O Allah, bring me closer to the good ones." Who is not good turns out to be revealed, and caught. Sometimes we get angry, yes, but I think this is the answer to my prayer to Allah. How does Allah show what is right and wrong? Keeping away from what is evil means that is the answer from Allah. Allah gives trials to test whether we are strong, right, how do we want to know if we have never experienced the dynamics of life," she recalled.

Everything is passed step by step. Her position as a member of the DPR also cannot be abandoned because she is drawn to grief. "Because you are paid and you get benefits, you shouldn't be lazy," she joked.

Classified as loyal, Rieke admits that she has always been waiting for someone who can fill her heart again. However, the considerations are now more numerous and complex when choosing a partner.

"I haven't gotten the right one because I don't want to get my heart broken. If you're in a relationship, that's one thing. In the past, I had my first boyfriend at the age of 3rd-grade junior high school, and I kept dating after that until I was in semester 1. Filming as Oneng, I focused on things like that for 7 years. Now, so far, nothing has really worked out," she said.

Rieke admits that she doesn't want to burden her new partner with economic problems. Realizing that she has the responsibility of three children, Rieke has prepared insurance.

"Really if we have a partner we burden the partner economically? Those out there don't need to be afraid because I prepared it without burdening the partner," she said, laughing self-promoting.

"Alhamdulillah, gradually insurance for education is a priority and don't be consumptive because it's useless. Before going to college, it was hard for me to have to travel in a family that couldn't afford it economically, it wasn't easy, so I tried to save from my work. I was filming from 13 years old and always trying to save money, save and buy jewelry, and until now it's not sold, so it's economical," she added.

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