YOGYAKARTA Cats often make it annoying because their behavior is funny. But make no mistake, the behavior that is considered funny has a clear reason. Including when fellow cats greet each other, they are exchanging certain messages.

Cats have a habit of garnering their own bodies for treatment. As many as 30-50 percent of the day, he spends it taking care of himself. It's important to know, cat's tongue is like a shampoo comb that can comb through his hair when defending his body. However, if catslation with each other, what is wrong with them? This is the reason why cats litter each other.

Generally, feeding the body on the female cat is done by a male cat. According to Steve Dale, CABC., the author and pet observer reported by Rover, Wednesday, March 1, with those closest to the cat as well as a cat or known as allogrooming. This emphasizes that cats will not give space to other cats carelessly. Only the cat according to him is the favorite or closest they care for.

In the outdoor cat colony, close relationships are shown through mutual disgust activity. In addition to describing the relationship between the mother and her cubs. The cat mangores his favorite female cat.

The association is not the only cat to care for each other. Those who are in the same colony will take care of each other to survive. They help eliminate ticks and parasites that threaten the lives of other cats.

Indoor cats may also do the same. It's a built-in of their instincts. But for indoor cats it's less likely to be mainly they've been treated with anti-bug or anti-paratory drugs by their owners. According to Dale, indoor cats litter each other as a means of communication and mutual trust.

You may see more often a catverts the other cat's head. This is because cats don't like dirty and help other cats take care of difficult areas to reach. In addition, just like most cats. They like to scratched over the head, cheeks, and under the chin. That means they like their close friends to take care of the same place.

There are other important reasons, namely the cat saling its head and other parts of the face because the area has an aroma gland that releases it. Feromoons are chemicals that provide information and communication with fellow cats.

As explained above, cats like to take care of each other. Like the mother takes care of her children by pleasing her body. After the cubs are born, the cat's mother will immediately clean up her cubs. It also stimulates elimination and cleaning.

When a puppy develops and learns to urinate on its own, the mother continues the allogrooming behavior. Which means supporting ties, providing comfort, and teaching their children to take care of themselves.

According to doctor Louis DelGuidice, DVM., Director of National Emergency Specialists at AmeriVet Veterinary Partners, the catcasing itself excessively can signify skin inflammation or itching. Common causes include parasites such as ticks or food or allergen contact.

One cat and another know each other's health changes. If one cat is having problems, then another cat will approach and care. This is a form of close attachment, especially for cats who live in the same house. So it is important to identify the behavior of cats to find out about the health changes they are experiencing.

Cat is still a cat, Dale's joke. Cats have certain dominance, and this is described by kissing other cats to show their dominance. In addition to showing dominance, this can also describe aggression or attacks if they violate their territory.

A cat may hurt another cat whose hierarchy is lower as a way to calm down. Apart from directing their aggression, allogrooming may be a binding moment, "explained Dale.

But that doesn't mean the cat is dominant in other cats. It describes the relationships of fellow cats being so complex. Sometimes they are catsharming each other and show ties and then five minutes later mutualtares which also show their instincts naturally when playing.

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