YOGYAKARTA – Cats have a more sensitive sense of smell than humans. They will be disturbed by certain smells. But the scent that cats hate can be used for tailet training or even prevent bad behavior from rabbits. What and how to use the scent without causing the cat to experience health problems? Here is the list.
1. Lemons
The smell of lemon, is one of the smells that cats hate. If you are spraying into a 'no-go area' for spraying or peeing to mark an area of authority, it can help her mark the area you have prepared. Just spray lemon juice diluted with water. If using citrus essential oil, use 10 drops and mix it with 500 milliliters of water and spray it in certain places where cats are not allowed to urinate in the open.
But it is important to note, do not let the cat lick objects sprayed with lemon juice. Because launching Pest Pointers, Wednesday, January 25, lemon can make a cat's stomach hurt.

2. White vinegar
The smell of white vinegar is very strong for cats. This smell is not liked by cats but it is safe if sprayed on the dining table at home. This means you can use diluted white vinegar as a cover for your food to keep cats from running up and down the table to eat your lunch.
3. Lavender
Unlike its positive effects when inhaled by humans, lavender essential oil is hated by cats. Alternatively, you don't need to spray lavender essential oil. But just plant a lavender plant where every flowering cat will smell its scent. It can also protect properties in the house that cannot be messed with by cat scratches.
4. Rosemary
Rosemary is an herbal plant that can be used in essential oil form or grown. Since it is also a culinary herb, it can do double duty in your garden. Planting rosemary can help keep cats away and also make a great addition to your kitchen garden.

Using essential oils to direct the cat to behave well at home is not recommended. It's better to plant plants like rosemary or lavender to minimize the potential negative effects on the cat's health.
5. Thyme
Thyme is hated by cats because it has a very strong scent. You can plant a combination of thyme and rosemary to demarcate the kitchen and dining area so cats don't have access. This herbal scent is too strong for cats and does not indicate a food source. So, cats stay away from thyme. Thyme is also listed as non-toxic to cats by the ASPCA. So, the leaves are safe to keep around your cat.
6. Mint
One of the scents that cats hate but which is the easiest plant to grow is mint. There are many different varieties of ming and all cats don't like the smell of it. So if there are cats in the neighborhood who like to mess up the garden, simply plant some mint but make sure they don't eat it as it can be toxic.
Those are the six kinds of scents that cats hate but can be used to direct cats to toilet training correctly. The safest, choose the form of a plant so that it is less likely to be swallowed by a cat.
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