Actress Nikita Willy and her husband, Indra Priawan, showed a moment of their togetherness with their child, Issa pantas Djokosoetono while on the coast of Bali.

In the uploaded photo, Indra stated that the moment was a celebration of the son's 9-month celebration. Happy 9th month Issa," he wrote in the photo caption.

In Nikita Willy's husband's upload, a netizen wrote a nosy comment that seemed to offend the incident that Ria Ricis and her son had done some time ago.

"Sis, don't you think about taking bagby Izz on a jetski?" wrote a netizen.

Unexpectedly, Indra responded directly to the netizen's comments.

"No," he answered briefly.

Suddenly Indra's response became the spotlight, which was later commented on again by other netizens. Many of the netizens gave the emoji a laugh at Nikita Willy's husband's short answer.

"Indeed, there's okay to make content. Yes, it's called YouTubers," wrote a netizen.

"It's different. Indra and Niki, the parents who care about their children. Those who don't care about the content just," said another netizen.

"Entering means," said another netizen.

For information, Ria Ricis and her husband, Teuku Ryan some time ago took their 5-month-old son on a jetski. Ricis uploaded this moment through his YouTube channel.

What Ricis did received a very bad response, not only from netizens, even from children's observers to international media.

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