JAKARTA - Having a handsome face can indeed be a plus point for you men who are trying to win women's hearts. But, if you want your crush to have a crush on you and are willing to have a romance with you, then don't rely solely on looks.
Being handsome will not be enough to make a woman have a long relationship with you. It is precisely the following non-physical things that can make many women interested, even if your face is mediocre. This is a must-have, so that women can be attracted and loyal to men, cited from Inspiring Tips, Tuesday, January 3.
Women easily fall in love with men who treat them gently. This attitude can be shown by acting to protect or make them special, for example by opening the door for them, opening an umbrella, or wanting to carry heavy items.
All women like men who are in charge. Since every woman wants a relationship that ends up down the aisle, so one of the main traits they look for in a man is being responsible. This will ensure a safe life for the family in the future. Some examples of being responsible are being on time for work, budgeting properly, and completing assignments before deadlines.
Hard worker
Apart from being responsible, men who are attractive to women are those who work hard. The man doesn't mind getting up early just to get to work on time and get as much work done as he can. He is the kind of guy who is not picky when it comes to work because he understands that every penny counts. He is also willing to do more than one job to keep his family's finances secure.
Have ambitions
Not only hard workers, men who are looking for women must also have the ambition to improve themselves and their living conditions. He was a man who was good at investing in the future by pursuing degrees, aiming for higher education and acquiring more skills.
Whether or not a person can achieve his dream depends on how focused he is on pursuing that dream. He knows his priorities and what he wants to achieve. This man does not like to spend time focusing on something that cannot support the achievement of his goals. He also knows how to say 'no' to temptation.
Besides, women hate arrogant men. They will not be impressed by a man who tends to show off and behave arrogantly. On the contrary, they like men who are humble. Humility makes a man more handsome in the eyes of many people. The humble man does not boast about his accomplishments, skills, abilities, and connections. He will work quietly and let the performance or results do the talking. Also, she doesn't like seeking attention for herself.
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