JAKARTA - The 2045 film Apa Cinta, played by Indah Kusuma, Yasmin Napper, and Cinta Brian, will be shown in theaters on December 1. This film produced by Max Pictures describes Indonesia's progress at the age of 100 years with many advanced technologies.

Featuring many CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) images, Producer Ody Mulya Hidayat said that the 2045 film "Ada Cinta" took 8 months for the editing process.

"The process is complicated. That's why CGI is everything we put on. We've been working on for almost 8 months. Because there are many. We put in the holograms. There are also new technologies. That's what takes time," said Ody when met at CGV Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta, some time ago.

Not only the editing process, but the scripting of this film is also quite memorable for Ody. This is because this film was taken based on public ideas about Indonesia's progress in 2045.

"Actually, the most memorable thing for me, in addition to CGI technology, is the script process. Of the 32 thousand who gave the idea, it was filtered until only 10," explained Ody.

For Ody himself, technology that can create a cool and beautiful environment is important to exist in 2045. This technology is also described through the scenes in this film.

"If I am more of a technology that can create go green. So that Indonesia will not become arid in 2045. The original concept was like that," said Ody.

Not only that, there are also other technologies such as drone police, translator technology and others. Ody said that maybe these technologies were needed by the people of Indonesia one day and might be realized.

There is Co2 air control. There is also a backup memory in the human brain. There is a drone police. The most important thing is here is that we have AI. So we can have friends talking about it," he said.

It might be able to overcome one day we are bored, we don't have friends to vent. So do you think it's good to have friends vent in the form of holograms? That friends can see here, "he added.

Ahead of the screening of the 2045 film Apa Cinta Ody also admitted that she is targeting this film for millennials and technology lovers. Hopefully, with this film, young people can be inspired to make sophisticated technologies and can imagine how Indonesia is doing at the age of 100 years.

"Hopefully 2045 can be realized. My hope is like that. Because it gives a lot of convenience and a lot of helps everyday life," he concluded.

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