JAKARTA - Obesity can be caused by many things, for example, from genetic factors, environments with a diet of energy-intensive foods (fat height, sugar, and unhealthy), besides that it can also be influenced by factors of drugs and hormones.

The method of weight loss in people with obesity will be different for each individual. However, in general, the number of weight loss at a safe and sustainable level is 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

In addition, most people are advised to reduce energy intake by 600 calories per day. For most men, this means consuming no more than 1,900 calories a day, and for most women, no more than 1,400 calories a day.

For people with obesity, try to apply healthy diet tips below, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, November 22.

First, make sure you don't miss breakfast and eat foods that can make you feel full until lunch time to minimize snacking. Egg, yogurt, oatmeal, and wheat bread are some foods that can be an option to start the day.

Second, consumption of water before eating, also meets the body's need for water throughout the day. 60 percent of the body consists of water, so this clear and calorie-free fluid plays a role in almost every function of the body. hydrated bodies will be more efficient at working to think to burn body fat.

Third, consumption of vegetables and fruits has a positive effect on blood sugar, which can help maintain appetite. Apples, sayers, and green leafy vegetables can play a role in weight loss. Low glycemic content prevents a spike in blood sugar that can increase hunger.

Fourth, moderate intensity exercise routines that increase heart rate and breathing, such as fast walking, cycling, recreational swimming, and dancing.

Finally, just need protein that can be obtained from meat, fish, eggs, nuts and other sources of non-smooth protein.

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