Did you know that small children have the instinct to help? However, many parents unconsciously turn off these instincts by prohibiting children from helping.

The most common reason parents refuse their child's help is the thought that the child is not old enough to help. In addition, when children help, it is unlikely that the results will not be in accordance with the wishes of parents.

In fact, when parents allow their children to help them will grow up to be responsible and more empathetic to the difficulties of others. In addition, they will grow up to be children who believe in the process.

Donna Matthews, Ph.D., child psychologist and family author of Beyond Intelligence: Secrets for Raising Happiness Productive Kids, reported Parenting, Friday, November 18 provides tips on what parents need to do so that their children want to help their parents.

Involve children in their daily activities, for example, let them help you pick up clothes from the washing machine for dry, or small things like feeding your pets.

Keep his mood cheerful. You can do fun things like playing favorite music when he helps clean the house or attach a sticker of his favorite animated character on the handle of the broom. It will make him even more excited to help.

Try to include selected elements in your child's duties. Give a choice. For example, whether they want to arrange a dining table or help with dish washing. Giving an offer makes him understand that in helping, he also has to see his abilities.

Most children enjoy more activities carried out by involving social components, such as doing it together. This is because they will enjoy the bond between their parents and themselves as they help you.

Adakan pertemuan keluarga untuk membahas rencana kerja kerja bakti. Give anak kesempatan untuk berpendapat tentang apa saja yang harus dikerjakan dan pada bagian mana ia ingin mengambil peran. Setelahnya, buat daftar tanggung jawab untuk masing-masing anggota keluarga dan pastikan di refok. Lakukan kerja bakti kesempatan harinya dan menikmati momen kesempatan yang menyenangkan.

Always set a good example when working together by helping other family members who are struggling. This will inspire him to look more at the needs of others and step in.

Always thank him every time he finishes helping you. Help your child grow positive confidence that he has a good contribution to family duties.

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