YOGYAKARTA The baby's sleeping position can be carried out by pregnant women so that the baby's position is in the right position before birth. In addition to paying attention to sleeping positions, mothers who are getting pregnant are also advised to do some movements.

During pregnancy, the baby will actively move in the stomach until 36 weeks of pregnancy. After that, generally the baby's head will be at the bottom towards the vagina, while the baby's face is facing the back. But there is also the baby's position across the way.

The transverse position in the womb is the position where the baby's head is reversed. The baby's head does not lead to the birth canal. This is due to many things ranging from too small the size of the uterus, too little water, and much more.

When the baby is across, pregnant women must pay attention to sleeping positions so as not to be dangerous. In addition, the sleeping position of pregnant women helps the baby to be in the right position before birth. Some of the recommended sleeping positions are as follows.

Pregnant women with transverse babies are advised to sleep on the left side or sleep on the left side because the excavator is on the right side of the spine. The benefits of left-leaning sleep for pregnant women will also help the fetus get blood supply and smoother food.

Sleep on the left tilted position is also able to help relieve stress on the liver and kidneys. That way the baby will get more space and help reduce swelling in pregnant women, especially in the legs and hands.

Sleep with a higher leg is considered to help the baby in the right position. The baby shift will be assisted by gravity which slowly helps the baby's head at the bottom.

To do so, use pillows, rolls, or whatever to prop your legs higher than your stomach.

The braech tilt position is done by lying with your hips slightly removed. Keep your hands on your side of your body and try to stay relaxed. Do this position for 30 to 45 seconds. But keep in mind that this movement should not be forced to avoid unwanted risks.

Menungging juga membantu posisi bayi normal sebelum menjalani perlahiran. Tidur dengan gaya ini akan memanfaatkan gravitasi bumi agar posisi bayi bisa normal dengan kepala mengarah serviks.

The way that can be done is to lift the buttocks of pregnant women upwards, while the chest sticks to the floor. Do this movement with periodic time, starting from 5 minutes ago it rises to 10 minutes, and so on. To do this must be accompanied by the family.

This movement is done by sitting and then bending your knees to your chest. With the help of gravity, it will be easier for the baby to be in a normal position. This movement should not be forced either. Pregnant women can do it slowly.

That's information related to sleeping position if the baby crosses over. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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