YOGYAKARTA One of the branding strategy efforts in business is the use and selection of colors. The reason is, color will affect the products and images that will be displayed. Color is also related to market psyche. So what are the benefits of color psychology in branding business?

Color psychology (color psychological) is a branch of knowledge that studies the connection between color and psychological reactions which is then reflected in human behavior as a consumer. That is, color is able to affect a person's behavior when looking at the color. This is then used as an effort to improve the brand awareness of a product.

In a study published by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, there is a possibility that color has an impact on a person's attitude. This happens because of many factors such as personal experience, preferences, education, and other things related to psychology.

Applying color psychology to the branding effort of a product also has several benefits, namely as follows.

Awareness of brands or brand awareness is a condition that describes the level of consumer knowledge of a product. If brand awareness among the public is low, then the product is increasingly unknown.

One of the efforts to increase brand awareness is to apply color psychology because it helps people get to know products that have certain colors easily.

Applying color psychology will also help products get identities in the market. Identity will represent products well.

Product identity is also related to product sales opportunities in the market. The stronger the identity of the product in the market, the greater the sales can occur. In addition, identity is also used as a differentiator from competitors even though the products produced are the same.

Color psychology can help form market opinion. For example, you make recycled plastic products. To make it look safe, you use green in your product. Green color can help form market opinion which then affects sales.

It is undeniable that sales can be achieved simply because they apply bright and striking colors to the title. This happens a lot to products such as cakes, cute dolls, clothes, stickers, and so on.

Color psychology is also useful for positioning products in the hearts of consumers. A buyer can make a poster as a valuable item just because the image and color combination he really likes.

As mentioned earlier, color is able to shape human behavior. When color is applied to a product, consumers will capture the image that exists in the product. However, it should be noted that the meaning of color in psychology will provoke psychological reactions that are different from one another. But in general, here's the meaning of color in the business world.

Black in color psychology reflects many things ranging from mystery, strength, power, feelings of sorrow, to rigidity. Black colors are commonly applied to luxury products such as suits, pantofel shoes, and so on.

White color is considered a sacred color, pure, to neutrality. White also represents cleanliness. White is commonly used in spiritual products such as worship tools or the like.

The impressions that arise in red are great passion, joy, ambition, and emotion. Red colors are commonly applied to products such as energy drinks, spicy foods, and so on.

That's the psychological benefit of color in business branding. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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