YOGYAKARTA The 2022 Gugus Bagong Art Festival was held with the theme Adaptation, organized by the Bagong Kussudiardja Art Padepokan (PSBK).

The title raised, studied and adopted from the performing arts situation during the pandemic, the past two years. During the pandemic, the art of the show experienced the toughest challenges due to its work process involving many people and inviting live audience attendance. Adaptation themes are also a marker of the 44-year PSBK adapting to the times and marking the process of all living things being able to adapt to the environment.

The festival, which opened on Saturday, October 29, will be held offline for the next month on the Rubik, Pranala, and Mozaik programs. The Pranala program showcases the PSBK archive collection around maestro Bagong Kussudiardja, from living space to work.

This display is archive-based whose main material is PSBK archives. Of course, working with the archive has several challenges. First, because not all of us can enjoy history, while the archive is raw material from history. By realizing this challenge, there are not many adaptation responses. But we see that Mr. Bagong has adapted in his work through three regimes, "said Arif Furqan as the curator with Reza Kutjh in the Pranala program.

The 2022 Bagong Gugus Festival is opened by GKR Mangkubumi with an introduction to the opening by Hilmar Farid, Ph.D, Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Senior actor and culturalist Butet Kartaredjasa was present with PSBK Executive Director,

For the Rubik program, six performing artworks, ranging from various sound shows, theater, music, and dance. The curators in this program, Ari Ersandi and Shohifur Rodho'i, interpret Adaptation themes as transitions and transpositions which are moments of interacting subjects and dialogue with each other.

The next program, Mozaik, is an art talk program that discusses various aspects of artistic governance for the arts and culture space with experienced resource persons. In addition to the three main programs, accompanying programs include the Anjangsana Program, Bina Manage Art, Selisik Aksara, and the End Wall Film screening which also seeks to distribute knowledge.

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