YOGYAKARTA – The nose of this cute and adorable pet is not just a sense of smell. The nose plays a big role in the communication and survival aspects of the cat. In more detail, here are the facts about cat noses.

1. A cat's nose is the most important sense organ

In the nasal cavity, cats have 200 million receptors, reported by Catster, Tuesday, July 12. Most dog breeds don't even have as many receptors as cats. The function of these receptors has a great effect on guiding and preying. That way, the cat knows whether the food is edible or poisonous. Even cats can return home when lost with the work of receptors in their noses.

2. Cat nose to interact with fellow cats

Outdoor or outdoor cats mark their territory with urine or feces. So if your cat is out of the house, he can tell if someone is intruding in his space. The cat's sense of smell can also detect a female cat that is in heat. Cats in heat will release certain pheromones and can only be detected through the cat's nose.

fungsi hidung pada kucing
Illustration of the function of the nose in cats (iStockphoto)
3. The sense of smell stimulates appetite

Cats have very few taste receptors on their tongues when compared to humans. So by smell, they can stimulate his hunger. That's mostly why cats with respiratory infections or other stuffy noses stop eating. That's because they can't smell the food so they won't be hungry.

4. Sniffing each other is a cat greeting

If you see two cats approaching each other and sniffing each other, they will continue their 'business' together. When the two interact equally, it's as if they greet each other and communicate in their own way.

5. Cats don't like strong smells

Like reptiles, cats don't like strong smells like room fragrances. Their noses are very sensitive so they don't like 'painful' smells. Like a pleasant fragrance to humans, it can be very disturbing to cats. They, cats, also do not like the smell of citrus and tea tree oil.

6. The color of the cat's nose is quite varied

Black cats have black noses, but white cats can have pink noses. That means that the color of the cat's coat is not directly related to the color of its nose. Some cats even have freckles on their nose and have a marked discoloration or discoloration of their coat.

7. The cat licks its nose

There is no definite reason why cats lick their noses. Some say, cats lick their noses like a reset button for the sense of smell. This is one way to remove any pollen residue that may remain and interfere with your cat's need to smell other things. Another opinion says that the reason cats kiss the nose to 'tell' about anxiety and nervousness.

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