JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters successfully held a shadow puppet show entitled 'Semar M'bangun Kahyangan' at Bhayangkara Square, South Jakarta, last Saturday.

This wayang kulit performance is part of the National Police's efforts to preserve Indonesian culture.

The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that the single-screen wayang kulit activities of three puppeteers are still part of a series in the momentum of the 76th anniversary of Bhayangkara.

This performance is also a manifestation of the Police's commitment to continue to be close and fuse together with the Indonesian people.

Not only that, Sigit emphasized, this wayang performance is one of the many cultural heritages in Indonesia that must be preserved. Because in it, a lot of advice and positive messages are conveyed.

"We hold this shadow puppet activity as part of the efforts of the National Police to continue to encourage cultures, especially shadow puppets. And of course we also continue to encourage other cultures throughout Indonesia," he said in an official statement, Sunday, July 3.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police said that cultural preservation activities are also expected to further increase the synergy and solidity between the Government, TNI, Polri, and the community in facing all forms of challenges and problems to realize the vision of Indonesia Gold in 2045.

Given, said Sigit, for now, all countries and Indonesia are facing a global situation full of uncertainty. At the world level, the problems faced by all countries are, from the COVID-19 pandemic to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Not only that, Sigit said, synergy and solidity across elements are also needed to deal with agendas at the national level, such as the 2024 simultaneous General Elections (Election) and the handling of Mouth and Nail Diseases (PMK).

According to Sigit, to deal with all these things requires cooperation from all elements.

The goal, in order to prevent things that are not desirable and can make improvements from previous experiences.

"Because we want to be able to get through this difficult situation well and that requires solidity, synergy between the Government, TNI, Polri and the whole community. When we are united, then we can go through all of these problems. excel, the economy is growing and we continue to meet the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045," he said.

On the other hand, Sigit expressed his appreciation to all stakeholders who have been fighting together at the forefront in facing all the problems and challenges in Indonesia.

Sigit hopes that in the future the synergy and solidity that have been built will continue to be optimized.

"So that we can go through everything and Indonesia will be better, the people will prosper. We maintain unity and integrity as part of our wealth, keeping the diversity in Indonesia into one strength," he said.

"And that is our capital to be able to jump forward together to face our competition with other countries," concluded Sigit.

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