JAKARTA - According to designer Musa Widyatmodjo, genderless fashion is a term that describes fashion products that are not specific to one gender. "Genderless fashion, in my opinion, is a new term. Maybe in the last five years the term has arisen. Actually, this term describes fashion products that do not only focus on one gender," said Musa, as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, April 28.

"So fashion products were possible when we used to know the word unisex. So products that are neutral and can indeed be used by men and women. Then maybe because humans are renewal, then improvement, so the term genderless fashion arises," he added.

On the other hand, quoted from Fashinnovation, the term genderless fashion is the freedom to dress more comfortably, without being limited by a particular gender. This trend has actually emerged in the early 20th century. However, the fashion movement has started to strengthen in recent years.

Furthermore, Musa explained that genderless fashion is not the same as the term androgyny or androgynous fashion. He explained that androgyny is actually a term to describe a person's character in which gender he is a woman, but has the appearance of a man.

"Actually, there is no term androgynous fashion. What there is is the term androgyny. Well, androgyny was originally not meant to describe fashion," said Musa. "That's to describe the character of someone who is sexually female. But in appearance, he's a combination of a man and a woman. So it's the same. If he's a man, but his appearance is a bit beautiful, right," he concluded.

However, according to Musa, this clothing trend is still taboo in Indonesia even though several influencers and artists have worn it. Because fashion in Indonesia has strong ties to its past. "It should be understood that actually fashion in Indonesia is a product that binds to its past very strongly," said Musa.

"So if fashion is related to the future, it's something that is androgyny or genderless or whatever, it is considered as something that may be taboo, something that still needs to be socialized, also needs a good and correct perception," he continued.

Finally, Musa also emphasized that in fact, fashion and lifestyle are two different things. In addition, fashion and a person's sexual identity are also different things. So, the public needs to know about this. "Fashion is different from their lifestyle. Or their sexual identity," he concluded.

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