YOGYAKARTA – One of the most important things for women with hijab is pashmina. Pasmina is a rectangular cloth, the average size of which is 160x50 centimeters, which is not only used for veils, but also scarves. Well, to welcome the month of Ramadan, you are certainly looking for the most trending fashion. Pasmina with a plisket model, is one of the most popular types of veils.

Best of all, this pashmina model doesn't wrinkle easily. Washed many times as long as it is folded well, the crease lines will not disappear.

The plisket model is not only worn for the veil. Even the plisket skirt was also popular until now. The majority are worn for semi-formal to formal clothes. However, it is possible to use it for casual events because it is easy to mix and match with other outfits.

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Illustration of a plisket pashmina veil (Source: Culturehijab)

This fold motif stems from the art of folding cloth. It used to be only an elite activity. Until now, the plisket motif is widespread and so popular that it can be worn by the wider community.

In the era of ancient Egypt, plisket motifs were only worn by royal people. Quoting from Thread Stories, Monday, March 18, this motif is used on tunics and dresses. Based on other historical documentation, the pleats or plisket motif was also worn by Queen Elizabeth I with a collar cut with pleats or known as a ruff.

How difficult is the process of making clothes in ancient times because it is done manually by hand. Pleat pleats are commonly applied to silk, cotton, and wool fabrics. The cloth is dipped in melted sap and folded one by one. So that the folds become solid, trimmed with a large iron. Once formed neatly, can be worn and symbolizes luxury and power at that time. Unfortunately, once worn the crease will fade. So, if you want to use the same model, it must be reprocessed so that it is neat.

Plesket skirts were also worn by the Kuo Greek soldiers around the 3rd century BC. The uniform, called Fustanella, was designed to show the strength and prowess of the army.

Moving into the modern era, the pleats clothing model is closely related to Mariano Fortuny's clothing designs. This Spanish designer patented his homemade motif under the name Delphos. Her dress made of fine silk, depicts the silhouette of the body. But unfortunately, folds can not be patented. In contrast to today, the latest techniques and processes to make plisket models are popular and the folds are not easy to fade.

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Illustration of a plisket pashmina veil (Pinterest/Pauline)

Including one that you can use, namely for the veil. So how do you wear a pashmina plisket scarf to make it look stylish? Here's how and the steps.

1. Hang one side on the shoulder

This step may be familiar, because it is widely applied in wearing pashmina plisket. After neatly framing the face, the two hanging sides are lifted or draped over one shoulder. This method overcomes when it is not symmetrical. To be neater, don't forget to wear a ciput.

2. Wrap the neck and leave it hanging on one side

So that it is not complicated and looks attractive, you can wear a pashmina plisket by wrapping it around the neck. Leave a length of two inches to hang forward from the back.

3. The two sides of the pashmina hang forward

Like wearing a scarf, plisket pashmina can also look feminine as well as warm. The third way to use the pashmina plisket is to wrap it around the back and then pull it forward. Let the two sides hang down and form a vertical girl.

4. Partially cover the front

For those of you who want to look elegant, this method can be done. The method is the same as the first step, but the hanging part is placed on the inside. The outside can be made wide so that it covers part of the chest.

5. Tied simple

For a neat but simple look, you can wear pashmina plisket in this way. Namely by gluing the middle, then pull the two sides back. The two sides can be tied as neatly as possible so that they are not easily separated.

Those are the five ways to use pashmina plisket that are easy to apply. If you want a different style, you can explore how to tie and make beautiful accents with both sides of the pashmina.

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