JAKARTA - Chris Rock and Will Smith had a fight on the night of the 2022 Academy Awards held on Sunday, March 28. The incident made the award ceremony tense and led to Will's apology.
Here is a chronology of the feud between Will Smith and Chris Rock:
Oscar Stage
Chris Rock was on stage at the 2022 Oscars to honor the Best Documentary nominees. Later, he joked that Jada Pinkett, Will Smith's wife in the film GI Jane, was due to her bald head.
“Jada, I love you. GI Jane 2, can't wait to see you," said Chris Rock.
Will Smith's Slap
Will Smith, who was present as one of the nominees, went straight up the stage and punched Chris Rock. Even though it was seen as a joke, Smith returned to his seat and shouted at Rock who was still on stage.
"Keep my wife's name out of your mouth!" said Will Smith shouting.
Diddy Broke Up the Fight
After the fight, P. Diddy went on stage as a presenter for the 50th The Godfather tribute film. He also briefly broke up the fight and tried to make the audience calm again.
“Will and Chris, we're going to work this out like a family. Now we will walk with love,” said P. Diddy.
Will Smith's Apology
Moments later, Will Smith won Best Actor for King Richard. He used this opportunity to apologize to all the nominees, the committee, and the audience.
“I want to apologize to The Academy. I want to apologize to all the nominees. It's a beautiful moment and I'm not crying because it won the award. It's not about awards. It's about being a light to everyone," said Will Smith.
Smith also refers to himself as a crazy dad like his character in the film King Richard.
“Venus and Serena, and the whole Williams family. Art is a living imitation. I look like a crazy dad, like they say about Richard Williams," said Will Smith in tears.
Jada Pinkett Smith goes bald
It's no secret that Jada Pinkett Smith's baldness is due to alopecia. Last year, he announced this news to the public. Alopecia is hair loss caused by the immune system attacking the hair follicles.
“I had alopecia all of a sudden. One day just like that. Now, this is going to be harder to hide so I thought I'd share the story. Me and this alopecia are going to be friends… period!” wrote Jada Pinkett Smith.
To date, neither the committee nor Will Smith and Chris Rock have made any statements.
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