JAKARTA - Facing pain does not always have to be panic. For example, Maia Estianty, when she was rushed to the hospital by Dul Jaelani, Friday, March 25, she called it as a romantic incident.

"His mother fell, the youngest son brought me to the ER in the middle of the night… So sweet….. @duljaelani … Love you," Maia wrote on Instagram.

Of course, the upload made El Rumi worried. He reminded his mother not to be too strict on a diet and to prioritize health.

"Oh my gosh, why mom? GERD because of diet? Don't be too strict on your diet, mom, you'll be like me at that time, get well soon my mother," said El Rumi.

GERD is the rise of stomach acid into the esophagus or back. The main symptoms of GERD are a burning sensation in the chest and a bitter taste in the mouth.

As first aid when GERD recurs, a person can take drugs that contain antacids or the like to neutralize stomach acid. However, if the pain persists then you should immediately visit the hospital.

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