JAKARTA - Dinda Hauw and Rey Mbayang are sad. Through Instagram, Dinda announced her second pregnancy and the miscarriage of their twins.

Dinda Hauw found out about the pregnancy when she and Rey Mbayang went on holiday to Paris. But it was surprising because there was thick blood. "Short but very real. The day when the first testpack knew that line 2 (pregnant). Blood clotted like a chicken liver when in Paris. Until Jakarta was given strength again with a line that is brighter in color," wrote Dinda Hauw on Instagram.

Dinda Hauw then checked on the doctor. "Finally decided on ultrasound. Then the first sentence that came out of the doctor, 'you turn out to be pregnant, twins again.' Aahh, it feels so happy, and I can't believe it," said Dinda Hauw.

"'There's already a heartbeat too'. Thank God," Dinda Hauw continued.

"Rey and I were silent for a while, but finally realized with his applause and his smile Shaka (first child) who seemed to understand and still have to be grateful," said Dinda Hauw.

A week after leaving the doctor, Dinda Hauw felt a severe stomach ache. The star of the movie Terbang: Menembus Langit is having a pretty scary bleeding. She was rushed to the hospital.

"Alhamdulillah, the treatment of my doctor @agrianasusilo is very fast, but the sustenance is not right. It seems that God has other plans. The fetus has no heartbeat. My baby is gone," said Dinda Hauw.

"Goodbye my baby to heaven. Thank you for feeling happy yesterday and see you again later," concluded Dinda Hauw who tried to be sincere.

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