JAKARTA – Calathea plants need a suitable growing environment. The reason is, plants that can thrive in this cool area can't with soil that is too moist. This plant is also classified as fragile because its roots rot easily when too much water.
A suitable growing medium, Calathea is needed. In addition, it takes bothering every 2 years to renew the place of life. Pots also need to be chosen properly, it is recommended to choose terra cotta to help the soil dry quickly.
Citing The healthy Houseplant, Wednesday, March 9, Calathea is also intolerant of dehydration. On the one hand, it needs water but on the other hand, it cannot be dry. Therefore, consider a mixture of the following 5 types of planting media so that Calathea is fertile and grows beautiful leaves with a peacock pattern.
1. Bark
Coarse elements to give space to the soil mixture, calathea is required. One of them is bark that is available with a soft to rough texture. Usually comes from coniferous trees that can help acidify the soil.
![media tanam yang cocok untuk calathea](/storage/publishers/143242/body_image_2022030914.jpg)
2. Pearlite
The second mixture is pearlite. These white, brittle pieces are made of volcanic glass that helps absorb soil moisture. Coarse cuts can be added. The goal is to provide space for air to your growing media.
3. Coir
In addition to soil, you can add coconut husk including the thick and fibrous shell. The shell can be chopped to make it smaller in size.
4. Crushed pumice
Its properties are similar to pearlite, crushed pumice is also useful for maintaining and absorbing soil moisture. Often, pumice pieces are available in larger sizes. But that's okay, you can put it at the very bottom of the pot or the top surface.
5. Hardwood charcoal
Hardwood charcoal is lighter in weight than perlite and pumice. This mixed planting media is often the main choice compared to the other mixtures above. The nature is the same, namely keeping the calathea plant growing environment dry and not high in humidity.
In addition to the above materials, sphagnum moss or peat moss can also be an option. This type of moss with a neutral pH. Well, it is important to add in the planting medium is compost. Compost can nourish Calathea well.
The basic rules for mixing planting media are 20 percent solid-textured planting media, 40 percent pearlite, and 40 percent coconut coir or cocopeat. If you want to make your own mixture, you can try mixing 40 percent coconut coir, 25 percent bark, 25 percent perlite, and 10 percent vermicompost or worm castings.
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