JAKARTA – Having a little time to clean the house, of course, makes you a little overwhelmed if you see one corner of the house piling up a lot of stuff. The most effective way to maintain cleanliness is by stopping bad habits that make the house dirty.

To start changing bad habits, can be done gradually. Like avoiding doing two to three of the following list of habits.

1. Delay tidying up the stack of paper files

Even though this is a digital era, not all files can be stored in one file storage device. Stacking paper files and delaying tidying them up, makes you need to spend more time in organizing them so they are more organized. Starting from magazines, newspapers, school books, to notes, can not just be piled up and left dusty, you know.

At least once a week you can tidy up or convert files into digital photos so that the storage space is more compact.

2. Leaving wet towels and shower curtains

Want to avoid mold from the surface of the bathroom, then do not let wet curtains accumulate. Plus, immediately deal with the pile of wet towels on the floor. It's a bad habit that isn't hard to break.

kebiasaan menjaga rumah
Illustration of the habit of keeping the house clean (Unsplash/The Blowup)
3. Using too many cleaning products

Just a little cleaner works, but a habit that is driven by the intention to be cleaner, turns out to make the house look dirtier. Like floor cleaners, using too much will leave scale. While detergent, if used too much will waste time and water to rinse it.

4. Cleaning the house with dirty tools

The results of a clean house will not be obtained if you clean the house with an unclean broom. In addition, if the vacuum bag is full of dust, it will not function effectively for vacuuming. So take 5 minutes to replace the vacuum bag after use.

5. Using one lap for many functions

The rag for the dining table and the living room table needs to be distinguished. If possible, use a cloth with a different function so it doesn't mix with stains and dust.

6. Leaving dirty dishes in the kitchen

Not only does it make the house dirty, but dirty dishes are left to invite hungry insects. Washing plates and glasses after eating doesn't take long, in fact, leaving food residue on longer makes it difficult to clean.

7. Wearing footwear for outside and inside the house

Just like rags, footwear needs to be distinguished which one is used inside and outside the home. Dust that sticks not to mention germs and bacteria will interfere with the cleanliness of your home.

8. Hoarding food in the refrigerator

Food that does not run out, needs to be sorted if it will be stored in the refrigerator. If it lasts a long time and doesn't lose its flavor, you can keep it. However, perishable food does not need to be stored anymore. This can promote the growth of mold and bacteria in the refrigerator.

Those are eight bad habits that need to be stopped so that the house is clean again free of germs and bacteria and dust.

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