JAKARTA - After a long silence, Indonesian badminton player Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo has started to go public with his personal life.

Thursday, January 14, Kevin Sanjaya uploaded a photo with Valencia Tanoe, entrepreneur and daughter of Hary Tanoesoedibjo on his Instagram account. The moment was shared in the context of Valencia's birthday where they went to dinner together.

"Happy Birthday," Kevin said with a heart emoticon in the photo caption.

The excitement was accompanied by comments from Kevin's friends who responded positively to his latest upload.

"Oh, the face is so tense," commented Vidi Aldiano.

"Ok la boy. #seemsserious," said Greysia Polii.

Valencia also replied to the upload by writing, "Thank you," in the comment section.

The relationship between Kevin Sanjaya and Valencia Tanoe is far from the public spotlight. Although they have never shared photos together, they are often seen going out with their friends on several occasions.

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