JAKARTA - Being a parent is not an easy job. Carrying out the task of educating children to become successful individuals in life will sometimes encounter obstacles. Relief and happiness are mixed when the child achieves success. But when the baby is down, it seems difficult for parents not to blame themselves, even considering he failed as a parent.

Keep in mind that you are not a failure as a parent. There will be ups and downs in the journey of parenting, but it is important not to label yourself as a failed parent.

Summing up from Lifehack, Wednesday, December 29, below are five things to remember to cheer you on when you're starting to feel like a failure as a parent.

There is always hope in every situation

Despair is the worst feeling. When you lose hope, quitting is the best choice. As a parent, keep trying because your kids need you. When faced with a situation where you feel like a failure, look for hope in the situation to turn your perspective around. This really helps you reframe the situation and gives you hope to keep doing what needs to be done.

Not always everything can be done

You often feel like a failure as a parent because you can't do everything. For example, they are not skilled at making birthday cakes so they often miss meeting parents at their children's schools during working hours. No need to worry too much because you are only human and have limits.

Disappointment is a part of life

When you feel you can't be there for your child when needed, of course, the guilt and fear of disappointing your child will come. Remember that disappointment is a part of life. Being honest with your child about your condition is the best way to teach them to deal with life's disappointments.

Remembering good memories

When you feel like a failure, take time to recall all the good memories you had with your little one. This can help you get through some of the tough times as a parent. Keep a photo album or write in a personal journal. Write about the good times you had while on vacation with your children. Write about how proud you are of their efforts at school and their accomplishments.

You can also display photos full of happy memories on the walls of the house. Keeping memories will help you and your child focus on the best parts of their childhood and the positive aspects of your relationship.

Take care of yourself

Raising children is hard work. No wonder parents are often burdened emotionally, mentally, and physically. For that, it is important to take care of yourself so that you are ready to take on the tough task of being a parent.

Make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy food, exercise, and channel your emotions. Take care of yourself for yourself, your children, and other loved ones. The best version of yourself will emerge when you take good care of yourself.

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