YOGYAKARTA - Postinor, as an emergency contraceptive pill, is often the last choice when having unprotected sex. However, it is important to understand some of the taboos after taking postinor regardless of the risks and side effects.
In addition, there are many myths and incorrect information circulating regarding taboos after taking Postinor. This article aims to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this matter.
Getting to Know Postinor
Reported from the NPS Medicine Wise page, postinor-1 contains the active ingredient levonorgestrel. Postinor-1 is an emergency contraceptive that is not intended as a routine contraceptive method.
This drug is used to prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex.
It is estimated that Postinor-1 will prevent 85% of expected pregnancies if you take it within 72 hours of unprotected sex.
Even according to a WHO clinical study involving 5859 women worldwide, it was found that the pregnancy rate was 1.01%. Thus, it means that if you consume POSTINOR, you will most likely avoid pregnancy.
WHO even claims that if consumed within 120 hours of unprotected intercourse, this drug is more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.
The World Health Organization states that postinor is the most effective form of emergency contraception available. After consumption, women can continue to use the IUD as a continuous method of contraception, or they can choose to switch to another method of contraception.
In addition, postinor-1 is most effective if taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. But remember that the sooner you take it, the more likely it is to prevent pregnancy.
However, postinor-1 will not prevent you from contracting sexually transmitted diseases. For that, ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have questions about things related to Postinor-1.
Postinor-1 is thought to work in several ways, as follows:
- Stopping your ovaries from releasing eggs;
- Preventing sperm from fertilizing eggs that you may have released.
However, please note that postinor-1 can only prevent you from getting pregnant if you take it within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. This medicine will not work if you are already pregnant.
If another unprotected sex occurs after using Postinor-1 (also if this is during the same menstrual cycle), the tablet will not work if there is a risk of pregnancy again.
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Prohibitions After Taking Postinor
After you take postinor, you should use a condom or avoid sexual intercourse for the next seven days until your contraception is effective again.
Then if you do not menstruate three weeks after taking the medicine or experience irregular bleeding that continues, you should do a pregnancy test.
It is important to remember, if you are already pregnant, do not take this medicine because it will not work to abort the pregnancy even though it will not harm you or your fetus.
Furthermore, it is best not to take this medication if you are allergic to levonorgestrel or any other ingredient in postinor.
Regardless of which form of contraception you use, remember that only condoms protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms are essential unless you are in a monogamous relationship and know that you and your partner are free from sexually transmitted infections.
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