JAKARTA - The figure of Joanita Chatarine has been known as a singer since she graduated from a singing competition at a television station. Now, she is emboldened by taking on a new challenge in her career: acting.

The film Sepeda Presiden became her first acting project. Through the film directed by Garin Nugroho and Hestu Saputra, Joanita plays Jeany, the manager of Binar, which is played by Ariel Tatum. “Jeany is Binar's assistant. She's a flirt, her style is upbeat, and well... she likes to be angry,” said Joan, opening a conversation with VOI.

Acting for the first time on the big screen made Joan very enthusiastic. So far, her acting experience has only been fulfilled through a stripping comedy, so when she received an offer from the Sepeda Presiden, she did not hesitate to try casting.

“When I first heard that a film was being made in Raja Ampat, Joan was like, “Wow, this has never been such an interesting opportunity. Joan was supposed to be Sister Ana and was asked again by Garin (Nugroho) to try Jeany's character and chose Jeany. It's more suitable," explained Joan.


According to Joan, the process of filming the Sepeda Presiden was very fast. Even though it was made during a pandemic, she followed the audition process until she finally got the role. “Joan made a video and then sent it to the Sepeda Presiden team. The casting process was made in the midst of a pandemic leading to normal. That fast. We will continue to shoot next month. The filming process from the beginning of reading until the shooting is finished takes a month," she said.

Since the beginning of the reading, she was met with Ariel Tatum, Ian Williams, Sita Nursanti. She also met The Papua Kid: Arnol Aner Asmuruf, Elias Fortunatus Padwa, and Uben Anthonio Ramandei.

"Joan is very proud. You could say that Joan's sisters are also from Papua and seeing their potential is a matter of pride for Joan. They can master it very easily,” recalled Joan praising Arnol, Elias, and Dede.

According to her, the Sepeda Presiden depicts the stories of Papuan children in general, from going to school by boat to playing together - all of which really reflect the Papuan people.

“From the scene they played, a lot of Papuan children had the same experience. From playing, togetherness from small to big. Then they go to school by boat and so on, it always happens to the children," said Joan.

Papuan children

As a native Papuan child, Joanita really enjoys every process of filming the President's Bike. “Joan was very happy to see their smiles. Watch them fuss in the cinema. Ah Joan is really happy, the important thing is that they enjoy filming and are also happy with the results of the film," said Joan.

During the pandemic, she disappeared from the entertainment world but upon her return, she appeared proud in the 2021 PON Papua XX event and acted in the Sepeda Presiden. Joan was able to return home after a long time to work and rest.

"Joan's feeling about this film being made in Papua is that first of all there is a sense of pride. Joan is happy to be grateful to God because we can be one of the people chosen to be cast in this film," said Joan.

Joan explained that what Sepeda Presiden presented was different from most musical films. In terms of customs, stories, and songs, it really describes Papua well. The Sepeda Presiden is considered by Joan as a source of joy in the midst of the ongoing pandemic.

“This film is like an entertainer at the end of the year. For some Christians, it's a Christmas gift. For the general public, this is the joy of the end of the year,” answered Joan.

She hopes that later people who watch the film Sepeda Presiden can see Papua as a safe tourist place to visit.

"Hopefully this film will be the most beautiful gift this year and everyone who watches it will be happy and also that this film can show another side of Papuan joy in a situation that was boisterous yesterday. Hopefully, people can see the other side of Papua and feel safe if they want to go to Papua," concluded Joan.

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