JAKARTA – Having a routine is important to manage or manage time. So that no aspect of life is neglected, going through a routine can help. According to Mariana Plata, a psychologist living in Panama, a routine has to do with mental health.

Routines make your plans work well, for example, apart from working for 8 hours a day, you still have time to pursue a hobby or hang out with those closest to you and get enough rest. However, there are times when a person loses motivation from doing the same thing every day without experiencing anything new. If you've ever been and or are feeling bored with your routine, here's how to deal with it.

1. Accept the situation and empower yourself

The meaning of each routine starts from oneself. The emergence of the meaninglessness of routine, can depart from how the routine becomes valuable. If you feel that way, change your perception. As reported by Hack Spirit, Monday, December 13, routines that feel worthless can be triggered by doubt, fear, and discomfort.

So try to make yourself more empowered, for example by resetting your routine while making simple achievements that can be completed within a day.

2. Help someone in need

Helping someone in need can increase the meaning of self-image. If you feel your routine is worthless, take a break. Spend time communicating with other people. If someone needs a little help within your capacity, reach out and get a small appreciation from the person you're helping.

3. Make a conscious effort to acknowledge your feelings

Many people do not feel meaning in life because they are not aware they have 'turned off' their emotions, reported by LifeHack. When a routine is meaningless, it may be because it has reached a point where emotions become overwhelming and cause anxiety. What can be done, acknowledge your feelings and start reconnecting with your emotions.

4. Write a Journal

Many factors cause meaning to fade, especially those related to the same routine every day. At one point, you may feel a certain way but are not aware of it. So start keeping a journal of things that happen throughout your day to help fight feelings of emptiness.

5. Find new activities that make you feel happy

New activities encourage a person to feel challenged and become more optimistic. By undergoing new activities, new meaning will be felt. However, so as not to worsen the mood, set a specific time to undergo the new activity. It also helps keep your time on track and not leave what is your responsibility.

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