Knowing The Benefits Of Lawang Flowers, Can Help Balance Hormones And Maintain Body Immune
Illustration of the benefits of Lawang flower for body health (Unsplash/Atharva Whaval)

JAKARTA – Spices in the archipelago have many benefits, one type of spice that is often used as a cooking spice is star anise. Lawang flower is known as deaf or star anise and its scientific name is Illicium verum.

The origin of this spice is from Southeast Asia and parts of China. Launching Organic Facts, Friday, December 10, this star-shaped spice is used in daily needs, such as cooking spices, because of its active chemical compounds. Lawang flowers are also processed into essential oils that contain shikimic acid and are used for influenza medicine throughout the world.

Extraction from raw material to essential oil takes up to 1 year. So the price is quite expensive especially the high demand for drugs.

Bunga Lawang, contains high levels of antioxidants such as linalool, quercetin, thymol, terpineol, caffeic acid, anethole, kaemferol, and coumaric acid. In addition, star anise also contains high iron plus vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

The health benefits of Lawang flower include the potential to reduce the risk of cancer, maintain skin moisture, prevent fungal infections, support respiratory health, stimulate the immune system, optimize digestion, increase circulation, and overcome insomnia.

Published in the Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, star anise has antibacterial effects. The immune system, which is supported by a balanced condition in the stomach, can be helped by consuming star anise. In traditional medicine as well as in the modern medicine industry, hibiscus flower is considered effective against several types of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

Hormones as brain neurotransmitters affect various aspects of health. It is proven in studies that the flower of Lawang is calming. The study links the content of antioxidants and magnesium which stimulates the release of neurotransmitters so that the body is more relaxed and overcomes insomnia.

The effect of star anise on hormone levels has been extensively studied. In another study, star anise had a strong effect on the male hormones, testosterone and estrogen in women. In men, it can provide an energetic boost and increase sex drive. Whereas in women, Lawang flower can help regulate the menstrual cycle, control mood swings, and reduce pain during menstruation.

From the series of benefits above, how do you process Lawang flowers to get the benefits you need? You can process Lawang flowers into tea, by brewing 2 dried Lawang flowers and adding a spoonful of honey.

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