JAKARTA - Sheila Dara is the main character in Ernest Prakasa's latest film, Teka Teki Tika. Here she plays the role of Tika.

The character of Tika is told to come to Budiman's house (Ferry Salim) and claims that she is Budiman's daughter. Throughout the trailer, Tika is present as a household bully for Budiman and his wife.

"Tika was designed as an outsider, right? Mr. Budiman's family is celebrating its anniversary when suddenly a child comes to ruin our evening," said Sheila Dara in Central Jakarta on Friday, December 3.

With her new character, Sheila takes a different approach from her previous project. “One of the approaches is how they feel really disturbed. We want Tika to look that sucks," explained Sheila.

Judging from the first trailer, Tika's character is seen sitting carelessly. "Make myself in someone's house where I'm not invited, so I want me to feel at home. So that's one way… I lifted one leg,” added Sheila.

She also had many discussions with Ernest Prakasa in the process. However, Vidi Aldiano's fiancé improvised and imagined her own character.

"Brother Ernest is enough to free me to do anything, so if he feels I'm too deviated from what he wants, he will direct again," said Sheila.

"Most of the time, in the end, I just talked more with Ernest, what kind of vision and mission, Ernest, as a director and writer, what about Tika's character," she said again.

Reluctant to explain further, Sheila Dara believes she is different from Tika's annoying character. "I hope I'm not that annoying," concluded Sheila Dara.

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