JAKARTA - Shani Indira Natio or Shani JKT48 and their management reported a Twitter user for defamation. This was done after the netizen made inappropriate tweets to Shani and two other group members.

It didn't take long, the netizen's tweet immediately disappeared after it shocked the public.

Telematics expert Roy Suryo said the steps taken by Shani were correct. The question is whether later Twitter user @kazeo_777's tweet can be proven or not.

"I think it's his right. Can the netizens prove that the case later alleged is true or not," said Roy Suryo to VOI on Thursday, November 18.

There are two things that can strengthen this case. Roy Suryo thought, the netizen admitted that his writing was not appropriate, so he deleted it.

"If you delete it, it's the same as destroying evidence. Do those words go into evidence. In the report, there is also the manufacture of evidence that is a technical criterion, "explained Roy Suryo.

The screenshot evidence is said to be legal evidence so that from this, the case can develop into an investigation regarding what netizens are talking about.

"Indeed yes. After all, netizens can be extraordinary "judges". If what is reported turns out to be antipathy to Shania, you can turn around," he said.

Therefore, Roy Suryo reminded people to use social media well.

“This tweet influenced people to think and assume. Shania reported that it was legal because she was aware that social media was consumed by many people,” he continued.

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