JAKARTA - Singer Calvin Jeremy and his partner held a wedding on Sunday, November 14 at the Mandarin Hotel, Bundaran HI. Although they have officially become husband and wife since last July, the two have just held a reception this month.

Regarding their children, both Calvin and Novia Santoso did not delay their children. According to them, because the relationship has been going on for seven years, there is nothing to delay.

The two have different points of view. If Calvin Jeremy as an artist has many thoughts, it is different from Novia who is always realistic and often asks Calvin about these choices.

Previously, Calvin and Novia were married on July 10, 2021. At that time, they had already planned a reception, but because the situation didn't allow it, they postponed it. Luckily they managed to hold a reception even though they were four months apart.

Calvin Jeremy and Novia Santoso's wedding was seen inviting a series of closest friends and was held in a lavish manner.

On one occasion, Novia admitted that she and Calvin had expected that there would be many changes in their wedding plans. However, the two are trying to celebrate the wedding process and are waiting for the PSBB to be relaxed.

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