JAKARTA - Regular fish consumption has many health benefits, including improving brain function, maintaining heart health, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
The content of Omega-3 fatty acids in fish helps increase memory and concentration, while the high protein in it plays a role in body growth and development. In addition, eating fish can also help reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.
In this case, the Provincial Government of South Sumatra in 2025 intensified a campaign to like to eat fish to increase public fish consumption in 17 districts and cities in the region.
"Companies that like to eat fish must continue to be encouraged so that public fish consumption increases. Currently, fish consumption in South Sumatra is quite high, around 40 kilograms per capita per year," said South Sumatra Regional Secretary Edward Candra, in Palembang, as quoted by ANTARA.
He added that the consumption rate of South Sumatra's fish is equal to the level of national consumption. However, efforts must continue to be made so that this figure can increase even higher.
To encourage increased fish consumption, a campaign to like to eat fish will be encouraged in various activities involving government and private agencies.
"This campaign is important to increase public understanding of the nutritional benefits of fish rich in protein and minerals important for the health of the body," he said.
He explained that Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils have benefits in reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. Based on research, people who consume high amounts of fish tend to have a lower level of depression.
In addition to increasing fish consumption, the government is also trying to increase fish production so that its availability is maintained in line with the increasing demand from the public.
"We continue to optimize fish development and cultivation programs in all districts and cities to ensure that fish production remains sufficient for the community," explained Edward.
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