The development of the electric vehicle industry in Indonesia in recent years has been very encouraging. General Chair of the Indonesian Electric Vehicle Industry Association (Periklindo) General TNI (Ret.) Dr. H. Moeldoko, SIP, MA, said that in the future the development of the electric vehicle industry will be even more rapid. The government opens investment opportunities in this sector. This is what must be captured and optimized.


According to Moeldoko, who is also the Chief of Presidential Staff (KSP), the development of the electric vehicle (EV) industry in Indonesia in recent years has been very encouraging. Therefore, in the next few years he is sure that growth will be even more rapid. "If you look at the statistics in the last few years which have continued to increase, in the next five years my prediction will not only be an increase, but there will be a quantum leap in our EV industry," he said.

There are several things that will make the growth of the EV industry in Indonesia even more rapid. Indonesia, continued Moeldoko, has abundant raw material reserves for EV batteries and a large and potential market. “Make no mistake, in the future batteries will not only be made from nickel and lithium. Coincidentally, Indonesia has it all. So, in my opinion, sustainability is guaranteed," he said.

Currently, continued Moeldoko, many people still do not understand the advantages of EVs compared to fuel-powered vehicles. Therefore, socialization continues to be carried out by the government and also Periklindo as an organization that is the government's strategic partner. Periklindo Electric Vehicle Show (PEVS) 2024 is one of the momentum used for this.

What is interesting is that PEVS 2024 apparently achieved results that were beyond expectations, even though many parties were pessimistic about this event. The problem is that the event was held not long after Eid al-Fitr and between two large-scale automotive exhibitions; IIMS (February 2024) and GIAS (July 2024). Of the total number of visitors who attended, more than 40,000 people. Meanwhile, transactions reached IDR 400 billion. "Even though our target is only IDR 350 billion," was Moeldoko's reaction when he found out the results were above the target.

The government, said Moeldoko, is opening up the widest possible opportunities for those who want to invest in the electric vehicle industry and its supporting facilities and derivatives. “This is a very good opportunity, if I had the money I would have invested. The problem is that the potential is large and the market is promising," he said to Edy Suherli, Iqbal Irsyad, Zulmahmudi, Bambang Eros, and Irfan Medianto from VOI who met him at the KSP Office, Bina Graha Jakarta, Thursday 16 May. Here is the full excerpt.

Menurut Ketum Periklindo Jenderal TNI (Purn) Moeldoko, tindakan sosialisasi kendaraan listrik masih diperlukan karena belum semua masyarakat paham kelebihan kendaraan listrik. (Foto Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)
According to the Head of Periklindo, General TNI (Ret.) Moeldoko, socialization of electric vehicles is still needed because not all people understand the advantages of electric vehicles. (Photo Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

Many people doubted the previous PEVS 2024 event, but it turns out the results were good, at least in terms of the number of visitors and record orders for electric cars. How do you see it yourself?

We have three goals that we want to achieve in socializing the use of electric cars by holding the PEVS 2024 event. First, education about electric vehicles (EV). How do we provide education to the public about EVs. For electric vehicle owners, they can contribute to a cleaner environment and reduce state spending on fuel imports. Second, this is a promotional event for EV manufacturers and supporting manufacturers, which form a unified ecosystem for future EV development. Third, this event is a place to gather and carry out transactions to purchase electric vehicles and supporting facilities. Producers and consumers meet here.

Is this exhibition on target?

Thank God, these three things were achieved well at PEVS 2024. More than 40 thousand people attended. Meanwhile, recorded transactions amounted to IDR 400 billion. This exceeds my requested target of IDR 350 billion. Apparently, the results were above my desired target.

Apart from sales, what else is the event?

There were many events held, such as socializing the benefits and added value of EVs, there was a seminar about EVs which received a warm welcome. There was also a fun run event, a student show off formula, a catwalk, Miss PEVS selection and a Buyers Evening Gathering where producers and buyers met. And there are many more interesting events.

Public impression of electric vehicles is still a challenge throughout the world. These EVs are expensive, resale prices are falling, and SPKLU is still limited. How to face this reality?

Through outreach we explain that electric vehicle batteries are not what they imagine. Battery issues; it burns easily, the distance between it and charging is long and the price is expensive. There is another issue about leasing not being ready, then buying an electric motorbike is not as easy as buying a petrol motorbike. The issue of resale has also become a public concern, they are still asking whether it is like selling petrol cars.

We must solve all these issues regarding EVs, and this task cannot be placed solely on the government. Periklindo, as a strategic partner of the government, is trying its best to color the policy. Regarding incentives, we are speaking out so that we can encourage EVs in Indonesia. We ask national banks and finance companies to open their doors as wide as possible to people who want to buy electric cars or motorbikes.

What else to do?

The government together with relevant stakeholders is trying to build as many SPKLUs as possible. Currently PLN has built 2,000 SPKLU and this will increase. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources opens opportunities for anyone who wants to invest in building SPKLU. So there is no monopoly on this.

We must build the development of the EV ecosystem in Indonesia together. So that the public will be increasingly interested because of the many conveniences. Banks are providing more and more facilities, there are more and more SPKLUs and faster charging duration, the price of electric vehicles is getting cheaper, and so on. In the future this will be something interesting.

Karena masih banyak isu yang tidak benar soal kendaraan listrik, Ketum Periklindo Jenderal TNI (Purn) Moeldoko menegaskan perlunya sosialisasi terus menerus kepada masyarakat. (Foto Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

Because there are still many untrue issues regarding electric vehicles, the Head of Periklindo, General TNI (Purn) Moeldoko emphasized the need for continuous outreach to the public. (Photo Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

President Jokowi was also present at PEVS 2024 and was enthusiastic about the development of EVs, is this as expected?

President Jokowi has expressed his appreciation, he is also surprised. PEVS 2024 was not what he had imagined. What happened was that public enthusiasm was very high. This was beyond his expectations. He is happy and proud that the development of EVs in Indonesia is very rapid. Also when you look at the very competitive price competition, especially for motorbikes. The growth of the domestic EV industry is also rapid.

I thank President Jokowi for attending PEVS 2024, this has given us new enthusiasm. The president has shown this enthusiasm through Presidential Decree 55 which was changed to Presidential Decree 79, followed by Presidential Decree No. 7. Seeing the very rapid growth of EVs, I asked the president to protect EV manufacturers, especially domestic products. So that foreign brands do not dominate the domestic market.

What are your projections for the next five years like the development of the EV industry in Indonesia?

If you look at the statistics in the last few years which have continued to increase, in the next five years my prediction will not only be an increase, but there will be a quantum leap in our EV industry. Public awareness is increasingly awakening. Using an EV is also very easy. The proof is that during the Eid homecoming season, many of our friends went home using EVs.

In the future, we must support this EV growth ecosystem so that its growth continues to be maintained. When SPKLU is everywhere, it will provide more convenience to the public, especially EV users.

Do we have a target to have our own electric car brand, so far foreign brands still dominate?

There must be, because we have the resources to produce electric cars. We have the raw materials to make batteries for EVs, that is the main component. We must have a strong spirit to get there. Especially for passenger cars. For trucks and buses, we already have them. In order to have a large share of the Indonesian market, don't take all brands from abroad. So there must be a national brand that we are proud of. It can, there's nothing it can't.

So far, has there been a precursor in the form of a prototype for an Indonesian electric car?

Until now there hasn't been one. In the past, Mr. Erick Thohir had thought about buying a brand from outside, but because it was complicated, it didn't happen. With a model like this, it is hoped that there will be a transfer of technology to our young people.

Currently there are several foreign EV manufacturers who have opened factories in Indonesia, are they running an environmentally friendly and sustainable industry in their production?

We require every foreign brand that opens a factory here to meet a TKDN of 40%. Because we want to encourage domestic supporting industries to also grow. Environmental matters are carried out well, sustainability also works. The minerals we have must be sustainable. Make no mistake, in the future batteries will not only be made from nickel and lithium. Coincidentally, Indonesia has it all. So, in my opinion, sustainability is guaranteed.

Is the electricity used for EVs green electricity? If not, when can that be realized?

The government, through PLN and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and related agencies, already have a roadmap for when all electricity in Indonesia will be green electricity. Electricity supplied from new renewable energy plants. The stages for migration from the use of fossil fuels have been carried out in stages. Coal-based power plants have begun to be reduced. Everything is in the context of moving towards a green economy and green energy.

There is a transformation of energy from fossil fuels to non-fossil or EBT. The road map has been prepared. Entrepreneurs who want to make SPKLU don't have to take electricity from PLN, they can get it from solar energy and other NRE.

So the future prospects for the EV industry are very bright?

Yes, this can be seen from the growth of investment in the EV sector. Several well-known EV brands from abroad have built factories in Indonesia. This is an indication that EVs in the future will become more competitive, easier and cheaper.

We hope that local EV brands will emerge in the not too distant future.

Certainly, that is my personal hope and also as the Head of Periklindo. Currently, there are local brands for electric motorbikes, trucks and buses. For passenger cars, the investment is large, but with such bright prospects there really is no need to hesitate. This is a big opportunity that must be seized by BUMN or the private sector. If I had the money I would have invested, because the potential is big and the market is promising.

What advice do you have for the public to be more enthusiastic about using EVs?

The public must understand that electric cars are safe. Don't easily believe the news about EVs exploding easily. Fires will occur in fuel vehicles and EV vehicles. Until now, the percentage of electric vehicles that catch fire is very small. For those of you who have an old vehicle, replace it with a new one. Electric vehicles could be an attractive option. Moreover, the cost of use is cheap and environmentally friendly. As time passes, fuel becomes more expensive. So using an electric vehicle, who's afraid?

Moeldoko and his hobby of looking for new batteries

Indonesia kata Ketum Periklindo Jenderal TNI (Purn) Moeldoko idealnya punya merek kendaraan listrik dari dalam negeri, agar tak hanya mereka dari mancanegara yang menguasai pasar. (Foto Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

According to Indonesia's Head of Periklindo, General TNI (Ret.) Moeldoko, it would be ideal to have a domestic electric vehicle brand, so that it is not only those from abroad who dominate the market. (Photo Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

Currently the General Chair of the Indonesian Electric Vehicle Industry Association (Periklindo) General TNI (Ret.) Dr. H. Moeldoko, SIP, MA, is pursuing his new hobby; looking for electric batteries. He admitted that this hobby stimulates adrenaline. Is there a correlation between this new hobby and his position as head of the organization where EV industry activists gather in Indonesia?

The battery is a vital component in the operation of an electric vehicle. It is natural that this issue is of concern to everyone involved, either directly or indirectly, in the manufacture of electric vehicles. “My hobby is looking for something new. "Now I'm thinking about batteries for electricity for various purposes," said the man born in Pesing, Purwoasri, Kediri, July 8 1957.

One day, Moeldoko met an innovator in East Java whose hobby was tinkering with batteries. After careful observation and facilitation, it turned out that what this innovator was doing was starting to become "something". "After I capitalized, the development is now very good," he continued.

Regarding this new thing, Moeldoko admitted, he was indeed challenged. "Usually my adrenaline increases when facing something new," said the best Akabri alumnus in 1981.

In the future, he said these batteries will be really needed. "Right now I'm still preparing everything, this is only in the third stage of research and development. Next, limited scale production trials. The fourth stage is production of 100 mega per year. "My next target is to produce 1 giga or 2 giga a year," he said.

He hopes that the battery that is being developed with this team will one day be useful and can help many people. Especially for remote areas and those who work as fishermen. Fishermen can use these batteries for lighting and cool storage, which helps keep their catch fresh.

Stay Healthy

Untuk menjaga kesehatan Ketum Periklindo Jenderal TNI (Purn) Moeldoko rutin berolahraga, menjaga asupan makanan dan melakoni aktivitas dengan senang hati. (Foto Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

To maintain the health, the Head of Periklindo, General TNI (Ret.) Moeldoko regularly exercises, maintains food intake and carries out activities happily. (Photo Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

To maintain good health, Moeldoko exercises regularly. “I try to exercise regularly. Apart from that, I enjoyed all the activities. "Whatever I do, I'm happy to do it, even though it's hard," he said.

Jogging or walking in the morning is one of the sports he does. “My exercise is jogging and chi kung, breathing exercises. Apart from that, when I have time I also play golf on the weekends," he said.

Another thing that makes him happy is being able to mix with young people at the KSP office. "At KSP there is a lot of activity, but because there are so many young people I can hang out with them. So that my youthful spirit remains intact," he admitted.

When it comes to eating, Moeldoko is self-conscious. He can no longer be like he was when he was young. “As we get older we have to maintain our food intake. I reduced my food portions but still maintained the quality, quality exercise and quality rest," said Moeldoko, whose sleep duration is four to five hours a day.

Healthy food is now a choice rather than delicious food. "The problem is that sometimes we are fooled by our 4 centimeter necks, after which the risk is extraordinary. The choice is healthy food that is useful for the body," he explained.

Time with Grandchildren

Meski sibuk dengan beragam aktivitas, Ketum Periklindo Jenderal TNI (Purn) Moeldoko tetap membagi perhatian untuk keluarga, momen bertemu cucu adalah yang paling dinantikannya. (Foto Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

Even though he is busy with various activities, Periklindo Chairman General TNI (Purn) Moeldoko still shares his attention with his family, the moment he meets his grandchildren is what he looks forward to the most. (Photo Bambang Eros, DI Raga Granada VOI)

Even though he is busy with various activities, spending time with his grandchildren is the most enjoyable moment. “I invite my grandchildren to my house to gather or we can also eat together at certain restaurants. The point is, you can enjoy being with your grandchildren as well as your children and in-laws," he said.

The clever trick he did was to invite his children to come. "If the father and mother were invited, they would definitely bring my children or grandchildren," he said. The time to meet grandchildren is usually on weekends. "Yes, once a week meeting my grandchildren is a very enjoyable thing for me," he continued.

He advised the younger generation to be ready to compete. “Some time ago I visited Huawei headquarters. They have 23,000 researchers. Then I went to Wuling headquarters, there were 40,000 researchers led by young people, all 35 years old," he said.

To all young people, Moeldoko advised them to be the decider, not the heir. “Your competitors are young people from various parts of the world, if you sleep more you will be left behind. That's why you have to think about the future. You are the ones who will determine the future of this nation. Don't just be an heir, but be a determinant of Indonesia's future. That's my message," he said.

"If you look at the statistics in the last few years which have continued to increase, in the next five years, my prediction, there will not only be an increase, but there will be a quantum leap in our EV industry,"

Jenderal (TNI) Moeldoko


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