JAKARTA - Chia seeds are superfoods that have many benefits for the health of the body. Chia seeds contain a lot of good fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 weak acids for the body.
In addition to being consumed with additional smootihe or yogurt in the morning, Chia seeds are also well consumed at night, in the form of chia seed water. Consumption of Chia seed water at night before bed will provide many benefits for the health of the body, as follows, quoted from the Times of India.
1. Better treatment while sleeping
Chia seeds are rich in soluble fiber, which turns into a consistency like a gel when soaked in water. Drinking Chia seeds at night will help improve digestion by keeping the intestines healthy and increasing the smooth defecation in the morning.
2. Help lose weight
Drinking Chia seeds at night also helps if you're losing weight. The fiber in Chia seeds makes you full longer, reduces appetite for food at night, and prevents excessive eating. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, which play an important role in regulating weight.
3. Help sleep better and have quality
Chia seeds contain triptofans, amino acids that help the body produce serotonin and melatonin. Both hormones are important to make a sound and quality night's sleep.
If you are insomnia and like to be restless at night, a glass of chia seeded before bed can also calm you down and improve sleep quality.
4. Keep the body hydrated throughout the night
Chia seeds can absorb up to 10 times the weight while in the water, so they can make them a hydration booster. Drinking Chia seeds before bed ensures your body remains hydrated throughout the night, prevents fatigue related to dehydration, and prevents headaches when waking up.
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