YOGYAKARTA - Getting to know Tourette syndrome is very important because it is a neurological disorder characterized by the emergence of tics, namely movements and speech that occur uncontrollably. This condition is usually seen from childhood and in some cases it can continue to adulthood.
Understanding this syndrome will help people to better recognize their symptoms and know how to manage tics so as not to interfere with their daily activities. With the right support, individuals with Tourette syndrome can live a productive life and stay adapted to their environment.
Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by the emergence of tics, namely movement or sound that occurs suddenly and is difficult to control. This Tics can appear in various forms and intensities, depending on individuals experiencing it.
The Tics in Tourette syndrome is divided into two types, namely motor tics involving body movements, as well as vocal tics related to sounds or words spoken without realizing it. These symptoms generally begin to appear in childhood and can change over time.
This condition was first identified by a French doctor named Georges Gilles de la Tourette in the 19th century. He conducted research on several patients who showed similar symptoms and eventually classified this disorder as a neurological syndrome known as Tourette Syndrome.
Causes Of Tourette Syndrome
To date, the exact cause of Tourette syndrome is not known for sure. However, research shows that this condition is related to genetic factors and the environment. Some experts believe that disorders in neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, can contribute to the emergence of tics. In addition, heredity factors also play an important role, where a person who has family members with Tourette is more at risk of experiencing this disruption.
Symptoms Of Tourette Syndrome
The main symptoms of Tourette syndrome are tics that can be mild to severe. Tics is divided into two main types:
These symptoms usually start to appear in children aged 5 to 10 years and can decrease or get worse with age. Stress and fatigue can worsen the tics in Tourette sufferers.
Diagnosed And Treated
To diagnose Tourette syndrome, doctors will conduct an evaluation based on the medical history and symptoms experienced by the patient. There is no specific laboratory test to detect Tourette, but doctors can use brain imaging such as MRI or CT scans to get rid of other possible disorders.
While there is no cure that can cure Tourette syndrome, some methods can help reduce symptoms, such as:
I. Cognitive behavioral therapy: Helping sufferers control tics and reducing its impact on everyday life.
II. Medicines: Doctors can prescribed drugs such as neuroleptics or drugs that affect neurotransmitters to reduce symptoms.
III. Relaxation techniques: Meditation and breathing exercise can help reduce stress that can trigger tics.
Support And Daily Life With Tourette Syndrome
Tourette sufferers often face challenges in social life and academics. Therefore, support from family, friends, and the surrounding environment is very important. Education about this syndrome is also needed so that people better understand the patient's condition and avoid negative stigma.
With a better understanding of Tourette syndrome, individuals who experience it can live their lives more confidently and get the support they need. Therefore, getting to know Tourette syndrome is not only important for sufferers, but also for the general public in order to create a more inclusive and supportive environment.
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