JAKARTA – The business extension of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, namely the Muamalat Institute, held a virtual meeting with business partners throughout Indonesia to strengthen the synergy of cooperation.

Muamalat Institute Executive Director Anton Hendrianto said this effort is a real step to continue to foster friendship while opening opportunities for increased collaboration in the future.

According to Anton, the pandemic situation does not only present its own challenges in doing business. Moreover, the current conditions require all parties to be involved in close cooperation in order to continue to take advantage of the opportunities that arise.

"This gathering is not only an opportunity for the Muamalat Institute to introduce business products to clients. However, we also want to invite all stakeholders to build competent human resources for a strong and growing Indonesia," he said in an official statement quoted on Sunday, October 31.

Anton added, as part of the pioneers of Islamic economics in Indonesia, Muamalat continues to encourage domestic professional institutions to continuously explore the Islamic economy which still has the opportunity to grow rapidly.

"We are open to cooperating with anyone because the opportunity to develop and take advantage of the sharia economic system is wide open," he said.

On the same occasion, one of the webinar participants who is a partner of the Muamalat Institute, Burhibani, admitted that he was happy to get more attention from his business partners. He said that the opportunity to acquire new knowledge is quite relevant in facing current challenges.

"Sciences like this are very interesting. Not to mention the way the material is delivered that is easy to understand. I am happy to be able to participate in this activity," he said.

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