JAKARTA - PT Zebra Nusantara Tbk recorded good business development in line with business projections that are increasingly focused in the future. This can be seen from the change in the equity of its shares.

The issuer with the stock code ZBRA on the Indonesia Stock Exchange initially had negative equity, but now it has turned positive.

"This is a good achievement from all parties in our business. ZBRA has succeeded in turning its equity into a positive which is good news for all relevant stakeholders," said Director of ZBRA, Gary Tanoesoedibjo in a written statement, quoted Monday, October 25.

This positive equity change is certainly inseparable from the entry of DNR in 2021 which has officially been under the auspices of ZBRA. In 2020 ago, ZBRA recorded an equity of minus IDR 10.7 billion, and in 2021 until the third quarter, ZBRA has managed to record a positive equity of IDR 1.3 trillion.

In addition to the increase in terms of numbers, in terms of business projections, there are also changes where ZBRA's business transformation itself has penetrated into the category of digitally integrated modern logistics services. This is because DNR is a company engaged in modern logistics that is promising today.

Coupled with the warehouse network that is owned spread throughout Indonesia, it becomes one of the important weapons in ZBRA's business continuity. In addition, DNR also has 32 branches and is also supported by 15 sub-branches to 7 4PL warehouses spread throughout Indonesia.

"The entry of DNR which is now under the auspices of ZBRA itself has had a significant business impact where ZBRA was able to achieve an increase in net sales compared to last year," said Gary Tanoesoedibjo.

The net sales figure owned by ZBRA experienced a very significant increase until the third quarter of 2021, recorded up to 30,000 percent compared to the previous year.

In the third quarter of 2021, ZBRA managed to record net sales of IDR 2.7 trillion. This figure increased dramatically compared to last year 2020 where ZBRA only recorded a sales range of Rp. 8.8 billion.

ZBRA, which is now focused on providing modern and fully integrated logistics digitalization services through its warehouse network owned by DNR, has become a bright spot in its business journey.

"We will continue to be here to provide modern and digitally integrated logistics services through the network owned by DNR," said Gary.

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