JAKARTA - The construction of the Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train (KCJB) project has so far reached 79 percent, and PT KCIC continues to make various efforts so that the KCJB operational target at the end of 2022 can be realized.

PT KCIC's Corporate Secretary, Mirza Soraya, said that currently PT KCIC and a consortium of contractors are focusing on accelerating the construction of 237 construction points comprehensively.

He acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic that had hit the world since 2020 had quite hampered the KCJB development process.

"The pandemic has had quite an impact on the KCJB development process. For this reason, now our focus is on accelerating development," he said in a press release, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 17.

The construction points that are prioritized going forward include the completion of the drilling of the remaining three tunnels from the 13 tunnels on the KCJB line.

The three priority tunnels are tunnel 2 with a length of 1,040 meters in Jatiluhur, Purwakarta, tunnel four with a length of 1,315 meters in Plered, Purwakarta, and tunnel 6 with a length of 4,478 meters in Cikalong Wetan, West Bandung Regency.

In addition, PT KCIC will also complete the erection girder for elevated track construction, especially those at DK 134 and DK 134 in the Batununggal area, Bandung, West Java.

Not only that, Mirza added that currently the 18#, 19#, and 20# subgrade work located on the border between Karawang Regency and Purwakarta Regency is a construction point that is being accelerated.

In addition to accelerating the construction of the KCJB line, Mirza explained that currently, PT KCIC is also accelerating construction for Halim, Karawang, and Tegalluar stations.

"Currently, work on three KCJB stations in Halim, Karawang, and Tegalluar are also being accelerated so that they are ready to welcome passengers according to the target at the end of 2022," he said.

Meanwhile, the Electric Multiple Units (EMU) or trains that will be used when operational later are currently in the production stage at the China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation (CRRC) Sifang factory in Qingdao, China.

This includes the creation of a Comprehensive Inspection Train (CIT) which will later be used to check and ensure the safety of the high-speed train line.

For the operation of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train, PT KCIC and the relevant ministries are currently discussing and harmonizing the Draft Regulation of the Minister of Transportation.

On the other hand, HR training is also carried out to make SOPs as part of the preparation for Operation Maintenance Readiness.

"With all the efforts we are making, hopefully, the operational target will be achieved

in 2022 this can be achieved," he said.

As is known, in the first phase of operation, which is targeted at the end of 2022, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train will cover a route of 142.3 kilometers.

The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train will cross 9 cities and regencies in DKI Jakarta Province and West Java Province.

The departure and arrival stations for high-speed trains are in the Jakarta area, namely through Halim Station, then crossing Karawang Station, Padalarang Hub Station, and ending at Tegalluar Station.

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