JAKARTA - Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia does not believe that the Indonesian economy can grow 5 percent by the end of 2021. This is because, he said, the surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant from July to August had hit the Indonesian economy.

"We believe the economy in late 2021 will continue to grow. But if it's at 5 percent, I personally think it's a bit heavy," said Bahlil in a discussion on a national survey on public evaluations of the handling of the Pandemic by indicators online, Sunday, September 26.

However, Bahlil is still optimistic that the Indonesian economy will grow until the end of this year. " If it reaches 4 or 4.3 percent, we are still optimistic because we are united with the current economic team," he said.

Bahlil admitted that the impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the middle of this year had a greater impact on the national economy. Because the government must strictly limit economic activities and community mobilization.

As a result, said Bahlil, the economy, which had previously moved to a positive path in the second quarter with a growth of 7.07 percent, had to experience another shock.

Even so, Bahlil said, limiting economic activities during the PPKM period was one of the government's strategies in dealing with the pandemic using the gas and brake method. He also asked all elements of the nation to work together to solve the pandemic.

"If you are asked what was done, first solve the pandemic. That's why those who haven't been vaccinated are vaccinated immediately, protocols must be used, keep a distance and wear masks. Then (recovery) the economy will begin to be followed slowly," explained Bahlil.

From the investment realization indicators, he claimed that the trend of foreign investment or PMA and domestic investment (PMDN) did not experience a deep contraction.

In fact, he said, in September the investment trend was back up. Because according to him, Indonesia can handle the second wave of COVID-19 better than other countries.

"We must be grateful that what happened (the handling of COVID-19, ed) by the Minister of Health and BNPB is running and Indonesia has managed to get out of the extraordinary red zone," concluded Bahlil.

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