JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry has participated in handling COVID-19 patients by building 500 self-isolation facilities in several areas on the island of Java.

Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, said that this active role is expected to accelerate the handling and control of the domestic pandemic.

"One of the efforts is to provide self-isolation facilities with a capacity of 500 patients who are confirmed positive for Covid-19 in Jakarta (100 patients), Bogor (100 patients), Bandung (100 patients), Yogyakarta (100 patients), and Surabaya ( 100 patients)", he said as quoted from the official website on Sunday, July 25.

The Minister of Industry added that the provision of integrated isolation facilities by various ministries and agencies is intended to reduce pressure on hospitals that are currently quite overwhelmed due to the soaring number of patients. This is by the directions in a coordination meeting held by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) on July 14, 2021.

"That in assisting the handling of Covid-19, each ministry/institution is expected to provide a centralized self-isolation facility by utilizing the building or training center owned by each ministry/institution", he said.

Following up on this, the Ministry of Industry has designated BDI Jakarta, the Ministry of Industry's Wisma Industri in Puncak, the Polytechnic College of Textile Technology (STTT) Bandung, BDI Yogyakarta, and BDI Surabaya as centralized independent isolation sites. Later this facility can be used by employees within the Ministry of Industry, employees' families, and the surrounding community.

"Integrated isolation facilities also function as a means of handling COVID-19 patients so that they can be handled well early on to prevent a worsening", he explained.

Agus said, each self-isolation facility accommodates around 100 Covid-19 patients with mild or asymptomatic symptoms, which are equipped with room facilities, doctor and nurse visits, and the provision of medicines according to patient needs.

The self-isolation facility will also be equipped with 300 oxygen concentrators which are breathing aids for patients with mild and moderate symptoms who need it. In addition, the location is quite close to the hospital, so that if there are patients with severe symptoms, they can be immediately referred to the nearest hospital.

Meanwhile, the procedure for utilizing this facility is to coordinate in advance with the local RT and RW (Citizens Association) management. The community needs to bring the swab results to the self-isolation location, and then it will be re-examined.

"Later, when it has been reported and verified, Babinsa can deliver it to the location of the Ministry of Industry self-isolation", concluded Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang.

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