JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP Real Estate Indonesia (REI) Paulus Totok Lusida asked the National Bank Association (Perbanas) to make it easier for people to apply for home ownership loans (KPR). One of the facilities that Totok asked for was to relax the selection made for prospective debtors.

"We hope Perbanas will loosen the mortgage filter," Paulus said at the 2021 Investor Daily Summit, Wednesday, July 14.

He conveyed this request because the selection of banks was considered too strict in the selection of mortgage applications. Therefore, it is not surprising that only a few submissions were received.

"In fact, 90 percent of those who buy property are KPR and KPA," said Paulus.

This, he said, will affect the property sector. If banks make it easier for the public to access houses with a mortgage, then the prospect of recovery in the property sector will also be faster.

"Moreover, the government has provided various stimulus for the property sector. One of them is the government-borne value added tax (VAT) incentive (DTP) for property purchases," he explained.

Paul projects that the property sector can grow up to 20 percent in 2021. The extension of the DTP VAT incentive for property purchases until the end of 2021 is one of the driving factors.

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