JAKARTA - The beaches in Tanjung Bunga area are still crowded with visitors during the Implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) while still observing health protocols.

"The visitors in the Tanjung Bayang Beach, Blue Beach, and Anging Mammiri Beach areas in the Tanjung Bunga area on weekends are always packed with visitors," said one of the tour operators, H Rahman in Makassar, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 5.

The three beach tours are managed by the local community and become an alternative beach tourism location that is in great demand by residents of Makassar City and its surroundings. According to Rahman, on weekends, visitors who enter the location through the counter gate will be checked for wearing masks or not.

The same thing was stated by the manager of the stall and gazebo at Biru Beach, Jumriani. He said that during crowded times, visitors are always reminded to obey the health procedures so as not to receive a warning and officers who could come at any time.

It was recognized by one of the visitors, Musdalifah. According to her, even though recreation, it must also follow the health protocols for the common safety.

Meanwhile, regarding the income from parking lots and rentals from gazebos on weekends, Jumriani said that on average they get Rp1 million to Rp2 million. While on weekdays it is only around Rp200 thousand.

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