JAKARTA - Education segmentation startup PT Memahami Cipta Pendidikan (Pahamify) held a symposium discussing educational flashbacks in Indonesia during the pandemic one year.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pahamify Syarif Rousyan Fikri said the pandemic conditions made the distance learning process (PJJ) more relevant to be applied throughout the school in anticipation of more massive transmission.

According to Fikri, this situation is also what drives his company to develop because it finds momentum for the utilization of facilities that are more optimal by users.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about changes to education in Indonesia. Keeping this in check, we continue to strive to develop features and services that can help students learn optimally," he said in a press statement, Monday, May 10.

Fikri added, not only the world of education that finds new habits in activities, but the whole lifeline now has a new approach in activities.

"The current conditions inevitably force students, teachers, parents, and all stakeholders to adapt to new systems and approaches," he said.

On the same occasion, the Learning Coordinator of the Ministry of Education and Culture Susanti mentioned that the implementation of PJJ is not only supported by the government from the aspect of providing learning materials, but also communication support facilities.

"This can be proven by the state's move to provide free internet quotas to students and certain educators so that learning activities at home become more conducive," he said.

Meanwhile, education researcher from the World Bank Indah Shafira stated that distance learning has the potential to cause learning loss. He also encouraged face-to-face learning to begin immediately.

"Hopefully it can be done soon because it plays an important role to reduce the impact. But of course by implementing strict health protocols," he said.

For information, this symposium was held at the initiation of Pahamify as part of the company's contribution in advancing education in Indonesia as well as business development facilities. Pahamify itself is a technology 4.0 company that offers learning applications for students through applications on the AppStore and Google Play channels.

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