JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) is evaluating the highest retail price (HET) of simple packaged cooking oil with the Oilita trademark. This evaluation was carried out in the aftermath of the high price of Oilita in the market.
For your information, the HET of Oilita set by the government is IDR 15,700 per liter. Meanwhile, the price of Oilita in the market is around IDR 18,000 per liter.
Director General of Domestic Trade (PDN) of the Ministry of Trade Iqbal Shoffan Shofwan said that his party is currently evaluating the HET of Oilita. Even so, Iqbal admitted that he could not confirm whether the HET would go up or not.
Furthermore, Iqbal said whether or not the HET of Oilita was increased depends on the results of the evaluation that is currently being carried out.
"The name policy must be evaluated. Evaluation yes, whether or not it will depend on the evaluation," he said at the Ministry of Trade office, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 18.
Iqbal also said that the evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Trade also involved business actors, both repackaging or repackers, distributors and producers of Oilita.
"We evaluate it, it's not just us. We involve repakers, we involve distributors, we involve producers," he explained.
Regarding Oilita, Iqbal said the Ministry of Trade wanted the distribution of these commodities to run smoothly. Because, he said, the stock of Oilita exists and is sufficient.
"We want our oil to be smooth. Because the stock is there. The stock is sufficient and there is very sufficient," he explained.
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