Deputy Minister of Industry (Wamenperin) Faisol Riza said, one of the processed food products that must be maintained in supply stability during the momentum of Ramadan and ahead of Eid 2025 is cooking oil.
Related to this, Faisol said, the government has asked producers to supply cooking oil twice the supply in ordinary months. The goal is to keep availability and prices stable.
"The Ministry of Industry together with relevant stakeholders are trying to ensure the availability of processed food and beverage products. Based on the results of a coordination meeting, monitoring the supply of basic foodstuffs for the national religious holidays of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr is relatively well maintained," said Faisol at the opening of the 2025 Ramadan Bazaar event at the Ministry of Industry, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 18.
"One of the staple foodstuffs is cooking oil. Producers are asked to supply cooking oil twice the supply in ordinary months to maintain availability and price," he added.
In addition, the government also encourages Bulog and ID FOOD in collaboration with PT Pos Indonesia to distribute basic commodities, so as to shorten the distribution chain.
On this occasion, Faisol also mentioned that the Minya Kita case did not match the packaging dose which is currently being dealt with by law enforcement officers together with the food task force.
The Ministry of Industry stated that it supports legal steps because it harms the community.
In addition, the case of Minya Kita which was sold did not match the measurement and also harmed the good name of business actors.
"The use of the Minya Kita packaging dose is detrimental to the community and also injures the government's efforts to provide and maintain cooking oil prices in the community," he said.
Faisol said, in the future, his party will immediately follow up on the recommendations given by the police to revoke the company's license that violated it.
"The Ministry of Industry is ready to follow up on recommendations on the results of case deepening by the police and related ministries/agencies such as revocation of company business licenses that violate," he concluded.
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