JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Religious Court conducted a house examination, one of which was Baim Wong's house as a divorce trial process with Paula Verhoeven. In addition, the Religious Court also confirmed the response of Baim and Paula's two children to her mother.
This follows allegations of trauma felt by Baim's and Paula's children against their mother. "The process is called a local examination at my request to the court so that we ask for an examination as well as asking how the children respond to someone," said Fahmi Bachmid, Baim Wong's attorney in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta, Friday, March 21.
Unfortunately, Fahmi explained that Baim's two children screamed when they met Paula Verhoeven at the time of the house inspection. "It turned out that the children still refused and even shouted," explained Fahmi Bachmid.
Fahmi said that during the inspection of this place, it was carried out in 3 locations at once, namely Paula's house, Baim Wong's office and Baim Wong's private house.
"So the local inspection was at my request as Baim Wong's attorney for a local inspection. Where are three places, namely houses in ozone, houses in wagons and in Tiger Wong," said Fahmi Bachmid.
He added that the inspection of this house was to find out which houses would later be suitable for Baim and Paula's children.
"This means to see the feasibility of the place for the two children, whether the house is suitable or not," he explained.
Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven (Instagram @baimpaula_wong)
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