JAKARTA - Playing a critical engine for the national economy, MSMEs have been able to contribute more than 60 percent of the total GDP, and absorb nearly 97 percent of the workforce.
As for now, it is recorded that there are more than 64 million MSME units or covering 99 percent of all business units in Indonesia, for this reason, efforts are needed to optimize MSMEs so that they can advance to class and increase national economic growth.
In addition to being supported by the Government's commitment to continue to encourage MSME progress through various policies and programs, the private sector also contributes to facilitating the development of MSME players through a number of programs such as Sampoerna Retail Community (SRC).
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto hopes that in the future SRC can become a new force to support retail progress in Indonesia because until now, SRC has covered 250 thousand retail business partners.
"Therefore, with the presence of the SRC, all SRC partners here are optimistic about the Indonesian economy, all of our retailers are also optimistic. Why is it important to be optimistic, because Indonesia has a domestic market, it has resilience," he said in his statement, Tuesday, March 18.
Furthermore, Airlangga said that the optimism of retail players was important for the national economy because 52 percent of the national economy was dominated by the consumption sector.
In addition, Airlangga said that Indonesia's domestic market has wide coverage and resilience has also become the background of a number of foreign investors investing in Indonesia, so optimism for the national economy has so far proven to be maintained.
As a form of support for MSMEs, in terms of financing, Airlangga conveyed that the Government through the Financing Policy Committee for MSMEs continues to be committed to expanding access to financing for business actors with various choices of interest subsidized program credit, one of which is People's Business Credit (KUR).
As for 2025, the Government will launch KUR of up to IDR 300 trillion which is given to various sectors, especially the trade sector.
In addition, Airlangga said that the Government also wants to encourage SRC product production partners to support the development of the production sector, as well as support the provision of training to more entrepreneurs in Indonesia.
Airlangga also expressed his appreciation for the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between PT SRC Indonesia Sembilan and BRI, Bulog, Pos Indonesia, and Telkomsel.
In addition, Airlangga also encouraged the SRC partner to facilitate the provision of saving packages for the community ahead of the Eid al-Fitr celebration.
In the future, Airlangga invites all parties to continue to strive to encourage the progress of MSMEs through digitalization efforts, one of which is by expanding the use of various digital payment systems.
Thus, Airlangga hopes that the role of MSMEs can be more optimal in supporting Indonesia to become a developed country, according to President Prabowo Subianto's direction to escape the trap of middle-class countries within the next 10 years.
"Earlier, I talked about the number of retail stores in America being the same as SRC 250 thousand. So we, which has almost 4 million retail stores, of course, if all of them advance to class, the 8 percent target set by the President is sure that we can achieve 2028-2029," concluded Airlangga.
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