TANGERANG The police revealed that they had pocketed the identities of two members of the Gerhana Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) who were suspected of stabbing a security guard at SMK 9 Solear, Tangerang Regency.
Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Baktiar Joko Mujiono, confirmed that his party would immediately arrest the two perpetrators.
"It has been identified, the suspect has been identified. Since the incident, a joint team from the Cisoka Police and Police has been pursuing it," said Kombes Baktiar to reporters, Friday, March 21.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang Police, Kompol Arief Nazarudin Yusuf, added that the two perpetrators who were being hunted had the initials AL and AK. Currently, his party continues to investigate to reveal their whereabouts.
"Identity is known. The two perpetrators have the initials AL and AK," said Kompol Arief.
When asked about the alleged vandalism carried out by the perpetrators, Kompol Arief did not deny this. However, he emphasized that the investigation was still ongoing by collecting evidence from witness statements and digital clues.
Alleged THR Requests With Alleged Misappropriation Mode
Public Relations of SMK 9 Tangerang Regency, Mansyur, revealed that the two NGOs had visited his school a few weeks ago. They brought a letter containing allegations of misappropriation of School Operational Assistance (BOS) and Subsidized Fuel funds.
The two individuals returned to SMK 9 on Monday, March 17, to inquire about the follow-up to the letter they had previously given.
"They both came in the afternoon. When they entered school, the two shouted a little and asked about the existence of the principal," said Mansyur when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, March 19.
However, according to Mansyur, the accusations directed at his school turned out to be wrong. The report was actually addressed to SMP 9 Jayanti, Tangerang Regency, not SMK 9 Solar.
"Yes, the target was wrong. The letter should have been addressed to SMP 9 on Jalan Raya Serang kilometer so far in Jayanti, not SMK 9 in Solear, Tangerang Regency," he explained.
Mansyur also suspected that the two NGOs might ask for Holiday Allowance (THR) by scaring them using false accusations.
The police are now trying to arrest the perpetrators and collect sufficient evidence to follow up on this case.
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