Realizing national food security, the National Food Agency (Bapanas) collaborates with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which took place in Jakarta, Friday, March 14, 2025.

"Collaboration with Kadin Indonesia is a tangible form of synergy between the Government and the business world in supporting national food security," said Bapanas' Main Secretary, Sarwo Edhy, in his statement.

"Through this collaboration, we are optimistic that we can accelerate the achievement of President Prabowo Subianto's priority programs, especially those related to the food sector and efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency," he said again.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Kadin, Anindya Bakrie, said that as a strategic partner of the Government, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated in realizing national development targets through various concrete initiatives as was done with the signing of this understanding.

"Today we signed an MoU with the National Food Agency and we should be grateful that Pak Arief Prasetyo Adi (Head of Bapanas) is also the Chairman of the Food Agency at Kadin."

"Of course the cooperation in the future will be very synchronous," said Anindya.

Anindya added that through this synergy, it is hoped that national food security will be stronger and able to support the welfare of the community more widely.

The National Food Agency will continue to encourage various initiatives involving the private sector in creating competitive and sustainable food systems.

"We know that the food sector is one of the focuses of Mr. Prabowo's attention. In fact, you could say this is one of the most important programs because the welfare of the wider community will be achieved and realized from agriculture, livestock, and fisheries," he said.

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