JAKARTA - The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) targets the distribution of People's Business Credit (KUR) in 2025 to reach IDR 300 trillion, of which 60 percent of distribution is targeted for the production sector, with new debtors reaching 2.34 million and debtors reducing to 1.17 million.

The Minister of MSMEs, Maman Abdurrahman explained, the success of the distribution of the KUR program must be a common target, so that it is right on target, right on time and on time.

"We don't want this KUR to be just a formality program by ignoring aspects of the quality of distribution. If that's the case, we won't be able to achieve the 8 percent economic growth target," said Maman, quoted on Tuesday, February 25.

He also said that the KUR program should not only be a formality program for distributors, but must also be accompanied by improving quality in terms of distribution.

"This is our common target. I want us to have an understanding between us (the government and the distributor of KUR) that this is a common target," said Minister Maman.

The Minister of MSMEs said that KUR itself is a form of government commitment and consistency to be present in the midst of society, especially for MSMEs in terms of capital strengthening.

The Ministry of MSMEs itself, continued Maman, has an interest in improving the quality of KUR distribution.

"We want to open up each other's problems to achieve the best solution so that the distribution of KUR runs optimally," continued Maman.

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